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Pope Excommunicates Poro-gay Marriage Priest


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Basilisa Marie

He says his letter was in Latin - while it makes sense, since all official documents are in Latin, did they send a translation? 



 In our lifetime, Archbishop Lefevbre  and 4 SSPX  Bishop were excommunicated by JPII  in 1988 , and I think some American priestesses.    The SSPX were seeking regularization, but never have  so far.


(Welcome to phatmass! :) )  

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I am from Melbourne myself, and this priest, Greg Reynolds, has done more than just speak out against Church teachings, he has actually started a new church of his own, which he calls Inclusive Catholics. I don't know if it's ok to post a link to their website or not but those who want to Google it should just type in Inclusive Catholics. Under the section called Latest Post, there is a letter from the Archbishop last year that explains why he is being disciplined.


On his website, Reynolds also praises St Mary's in Exile, a new church started a few years ago by another rebel priest, Peter Kennedy this one in Brisbane. Despite running a church, Kennedy says he no longer believes in worshipping God or the power of prayer. Kinda weird huh?


Seems to me that Kennedy and Reynolds basically took themselves out of communion with the Church, so excommunication only makes sense to make it clear to their followers that they are no longer members of the Catholic Church and their 'Masses' have no validity.

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Unfortunately, the letter of excommunication does not include any reasons, so it's hard to say.


Also, I seem to recall somebody in the US did get excommunicated in 2005, by their local bishop. I can't remember the details though...


If memory serves me the archbishop said that the reason was because he was still performing the Mass even though he was not a priest.


I am from Melbourne myself, and this priest, Greg Reynolds, has done more than just speak out against Church teachings, he has actually started a new church of his own, which he calls Inclusive Catholics. I don't know if it's ok to post a link to their website or not but those who want to Google it should just type in Inclusive Catholics. Under the section called Latest Post, there is a letter from the Archbishop last year that explains why he is being disciplined.


On his website, Reynolds also praises St Mary's in Exile, a new church started a few years ago by another rebel priest, Peter Kennedy this one in Brisbane. Despite running a church, Kennedy says he no longer believes in worshipping God or the power of prayer. Kinda weird huh?


Seems to me that Kennedy and Reynolds basically took themselves out of communion with the Church, so excommunication only makes sense to make it clear to their followers that they are no longer members of the Catholic Church and their 'Masses' have no validity.


The reason why this liberal "priest" was excommunicated, but other liberal priests were not. 

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If memory serves me the archbishop said that the reason was because he was still performing the Mass even though he was not a priest.



The reason why this liberal "priest" was excommunicated, but other liberal priests were not. 



I'm not quite sure why Peter Kennedy was not excommunicated too because he also conducts 'Masses' for his followers and from his website, it appears the homilies are conducted by lay people and seem to be about everything but the gospel readings. They actually remind me of sermons I attended at the Unitarian Church before I became a Catholic - talks about everything that isn't religion! :)

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It may have been the "dog receiving communion" incident that pushed the Vatican to act in Fr. Reynolds case.



It could be.


In addition to Peter Kennedy in Brisbane, there is another rebel priest in Queensland (a state in Australia) from Toowoomba, Terry Fitzpatrick, who has also had his faculties revoked, but he says Mass in Kennedy's new church. Neither Kennedy nor Fitzpatrick have been excommunicated yet as far as I know.


The Catholic Church in Australia is in a bit of a mess I think. We have a very secular society and I think it's easy for people to get led astray by the idea that everyone should have the same 'rights' no matter whether they are in line with Church teaching or not.


One of my brothers is married to a Catholic and raised their kids in Catholic schools, attended Mass with the family etc, so he is pretty au fait with Church teachings even though he never converted. I asked him once what he thought of all the controversies and his response was that if they didn't like the 'rules of the club' then they should join another club. I thought that was interesting.  Of course he sees it on a totally external level, but he's very practical. It's sad to see anyone leave the Church but if they have already left in their minds and hearts, then they really aren't Catholics anymore anyway. What a lot of these 'rebels' want is to stay members of the Church but to change it into a Church that suits their ideas.  I think excommunication is an act of 'tough love' because it forces someone to see that they really are no longer in communion with the Church and if they want to be, then it is they who need to change.


Prayers for all of the 'rebel' Catholics, especially the priests, who can lead so many astray with them. :pray:

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Not The Philosopher

I saw poro-gay and thought "pyro-gay" which sounded a lot cooler.


We already have enough on our hands without having to worry about pyro-gay marriage priests.

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:pray: praying for you all... and for all of them.  


All of us need prayers that we might have the :doh: moments we need.... and we can beg for them the graces to get and profit from those....

Edited by AnneLine
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:pray: praying for you all... and for all of them.  


All of us need prayers that we might have the :doh: moments we need.... and we can beg for them the graces to get and profit from those....



I think the Catholic Church in America has a lot of problems too, but I guess since I live here in Oz, I tend to focus on what's happening here. But we do need to pray for Church all around the world. :pray:

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