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Fr. Anthony Says Vocations Like Man At The Pool


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I'm wondering now what went through all your heads when you first read that title! ;-)


Seriously, though, that's what he said, and I particularly like that paragraph:


My friend is setting a deadline for God to give him a sign.

Audrey asks:

Dear Fr Anthony,

A good friend of mine told me he dreamt he was prostrated in the sanctuary for the Sacrament of Holy Orders. He wants to try the seminary but is afraid. At times he is very keen for marriage too, and is confused. He told me he has asked God for a simple sign and has set a deadline for it. Only God and he knows what the sign is. The moment I heard how he is trying to do to discern his vocation in life, personally, it sounded wrong to me, and he may end up with his mind playing tricks on him. I told him to approach a Spiritual Director to discuss it and he is not in favor of the idea. I am more than worried for him after hearing that he decided to work based on signs. What can I do to help him?

Dear Audrey,

It is very worrisome that your friend has decided to pursue the path of asking God for concrete signs. Jesus himself said, 'an evil and perverse generation looks for signs', and he said this not because he didn't want them to know the truth about him, but because they had already received lots of signs and still wanted more.

It is best, I think, to tell your friend that you are afraid he may be blinding himself, closing his eyes to the signs God has already given him. In that case what he is lacking is not signs but the generosity and faith to act on them.

Tell him to read the beginning of Chapter 5 in St John, the curing of the man at the pool. When Jesus told him he was cured and to get up, the man had no proof except Jesus' command. He only received the proof when he actually did what Jesus told him, when he actually tried to stand up and found that now he could. It is the same when we feel a vocation: we find out it really is from God when we take steps to follow it.

Your friend really needs a spiritual director (and maybe a tough one).

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Another example I like of getting a sign when one does not ask for one is at the annunciation. Mary doesn't ask for a sign to know what the angel is telling her is true. Even though the angel tells her about the sign she only really knows that the sign is true after she accepts God's plan for her. 

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This is a really good topic. Asking for signs reminds me of atheists who want proof of God's existence before they will have faith in Him.


A vocation is a real leap of faith - trying to respond to God's call is hard but I doubt that God is going to send any of us an email telling us that it's what He really wants for us. And as we have seen from those who have tried RL and left, sometimes we have to walk a path to find out that's it not the right one for us, or that we aren't going in the right direction. It always seems to come back to trust. There are no guarantees.


Thanks for that OP.



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