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Should I Email The Archbishop Of Ottawa?


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Greet's, all Phatmassers,

After listening to Paul Martin, our acting Prime Minister and, supposedly, a practising Catholic, utter blasphemy and outrage on national television that he 'supports a woman's right to choose' to have an abortion, I am seriously considering firing off an outraged email to the Archbishop of Ottawa, the Most Rev. Marcel Andre J. Gervais, asking him to at the very least, deny Mr. Martin Holy Communion. I know this will be a major thing - I mean, I'm asking a bishop to deny the PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA Holy Communion, however, I believe it is justified given Mr. Martin's stance and his no doubt flagrant disregard of Holy Church.

What are your thoughts?
Peace of Christ,

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Yes ICHTUS and you can put my name on the signature right beside it if you want. Athanasius Contra Mundi!!!

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Also, just for some background info, there is an election coming up and the pre-election polls show that a large percentage of Canadians distrust Paul Martin. (By the way, Martin is the head of the Federal [i]Liberal[/i] Party of Canada)

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Write. it shows more effort and the saying goes for ever one letter it represents 100 others altho we must remember that e-mailing a bishop is not like e-mailing a politician its not a public poll. You must call him to be an apostle.

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Sounds good to me.... I'm even more mad at Stephen Harper for taking it off of the conservative issues list... entschuldigung! ich bin retarded!

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Do you think the Archbishop is unaware of the situation? Do you think writing an angry letter telling him how to do his job will help?

Not that you shouldn't be concerned, but be careful how you address your archbishop.

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Emnphasize how scandalized you are, because scandal is a reason to deny Holy Communion.

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[quote name='p0lar_bear' date='Jun 3 2004, 09:03 AM'] Do you think the Archbishop is unaware of the situation? Do you think writing an angry letter telling him how to do his job will help?

Not that you shouldn't be concerned, but be careful how you address your archbishop. [/quote]
Actually, he's not my Bishop, he's our ecclesiastical neighbor. The Archdiocese of Ottawa is due northeast the Archdiocese of Kingston, wherein I reside.

I talked to one of the deacons in the diocese with whom I am friends, and he was saying that His Grace, Archbishop Gervais, is aware of Mr. Martin's dissent and has 'spoken to him privately' about the matter - supposedly, he wants it to remain between Martin and himself.

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Well, bishops are first and foremost pastors. It is really difficult to lead someone if you begin by alienating them. The bishops in the US who have made public statements barring politicians from Communion did not start with that. They all worked to contact the politicians, wrote personal letters, met with them, etc. in order to try to explain the Church's teaching and why it is wrong for them to support abortion. It was only after all the private efforts failed that they decided to make public statements.

Give the archbishop a chance to deal with the situation pastorally first.

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You're probably right, p0lar bear. I know not for how long Paul Martin has been openly supporting abortion, and I don't know what His Grace, the Most Rev. Marcel Gervais is doing with Mr. Martin....

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No, I got bogged down with some other stuff in the meantime, however, Im wondering if I should, since one of the deacons here with whom I am friends told me that His Grace is 'taking the matter up privately' with Mr. Martin

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You could write a letter expressing support for His Eminence. In the letter you can bring up the fact that you see Mr. Martin's statements as scandalous. Also include that you are praying that his efforts are successful, etc..

Just make sure that the tone is supportive rather than accusatory.

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