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Why Is Fantasy As Bad As Drug Abuse?

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Remember Brio magazine? I just ordered a bunch of them.


I mean, their theology sucks (plus it's all fundie-ish) but MAN it takes me back. Nostalllllllllllgia

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Remember Brio magazine? I just ordered a bunch of them.


I mean, their theology smells of elderberries (plus it's all fundie-ish) but MAN it takes me back. Nostalllllllllllgia


Don't hold hands becuase the devil will enter your soul throuh your palms in a dark theaterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr



Yep, I remember the fundie.  I often wonder if that's how the OP (plus Hasan, Budge and others) learned about Catholocism.

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Don't hold hands becuase the devil will enter your soul throuh your palms in a dark theaterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr



Yep, I remember the fundie.  I often wonder if that's how the OP (plus Hasan, Budge and others) learned about Catholocism.


Literally one of the articles is an exerpt from Danae Dobson's book "Let's Talk" and it reads like, 


"MAN GOD IS SO COOL! I know he's a wrathful being that needs to be feared. His wrath can be a terrible thing. BUT MAN HE MUST HAVE LOOKED AT A RHINO AND WENT LULZ WHEN HE CREATED IT"


I remember reading that (albeit, I paraphrased) for the first time back in 2003. I literally felt my braincells die.

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Literally one of the articles is an exerpt from Danae Dobson's book "Let's Talk" and it reads like, 


"MAN GOD IS SO COOL! I know he's a wrathful being that needs to be feared. His wrath can be a terrible thing. BUT MAN HE MUST HAVE LOOKED AT A RHINO AND WENT LULZ WHEN HE CREATED IT"


I remember reading that (albeit, I paraphrased) for the first time back in 2003. I literally felt my braincells die.



I know that fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, but that was written before Jesus came and told us how much God loves us and cares for us.


John's gospel tells us that God is love. Why do people want to focus on fear when love can get the job done much more effectively? I have feared people in my life but I haven't wanted to do things for them except under duress. But for those I love, I could never do enough for them. :love:



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Literally one of the articles is an exerpt from Danae Dobson's book "Let's Talk" and it reads like, 


"MAN GOD IS SO COOL! I know he's a wrathful being that needs to be feared. His wrath can be a terrible thing. BUT MAN HE MUST HAVE LOOKED AT A RHINO AND WENT LULZ WHEN HE CREATED IT"


I remember reading that (albeit, I paraphrased) for the first time back in 2003. I literally felt my braincells die.


HAHA yeah, some things are just to epic to ignore, lost braincells and all.

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HAHA yeah, some things are just to epic to ignore, lost braincells and all.


They were really obsessed with Wicca back then too. Though, Steve Russo gets brownie points for telling a noob who wrote that Wicca is a 20th century creation and that Gardner was a dirty old man :D 


Still, Nostallllllllllllllllgia

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They were really obsessed with Wicca back then too. Though, Steve Russo gets brownie points for telling a noob who wrote that Wicca is a 20th century creation and that Gardner was a dirty old man :D 


Still, Nostallllllllllllllllgia




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Blazingstar, how do you remember Budge? she hasnt been around for a long time since before you got here. 


Edited by Jesus_lol
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Archaeology cat

yes i have struggled with alcohol abuse for a few years, i thought i was an alcoholic but i'm not, when i drink i drink in excess but i don't do it every day, not even every week and i have many dry patches of a month or two or three even. And again i am rarely on here drunk.

Tab, I cannot diagnose, but I will say that drinking heavily every time you drink, even if you don't drink daily, weekly, etc, is a sign of alcoholism. Well, more properly speaking I suppose it's a sign of alcohol abuse, not alcoholism. Either way, it is something to consider, and DB's suggestion of AA may be something to consider. But I don't know you personally nor would I be ale to diagnose such a thing if I did. I do have multiple family members who are in AA, though, and it has been wonderful for them. May God bless you.
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Blazingstar, how do you remember Budge? she hasnt been around for a long time since before you got here. 


Maybe he was once a lurker?

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Blazingstar, how do you remember Budge? she hasnt been around for a long time since before you got here. 




I saw what you did there :shock:


Good thing you changed your mind bro. One of those personalities is dangerous! :p

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