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Why Is Fantasy As Bad As Drug Abuse?

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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She said i had some condition, and i gave her her same medicine selah.



Please all of you stop talking about me. Tab, I thought you had mentioned in previous threads that you have been drunk online and that you were an addict. I apologize if I am wrong.


Selah, thank you but please don't defend me. I don't want this thread to be about me. I have reported it and asked for personal statements about me to be removed. Tab you may do the same if you wish.


I have also asked that thread be locked and closed. I hope the mods will do this. Visitors to phatmass might be scandalized by such aggression.


Last post from me.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

yes i have struggled with alcohol abuse for a few years, i thought i was an alcoholic but i'm not, when i drink i drink in excess but i don't do it every day, not even every week and i have many dry patches of a month or two or three even. And again i am rarely on here drunk.

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She said i had some condition, and i gave her her same medicine selah. and why does orders demand respect, the wrong word being demand, i respect that people enter into an order or the novus priesthood, but again it doesn't mean i respect absoloutly everything they say and nore should i.. I'm not one whom has blind faith. If a priest does the angelus after the sign of the cross at holy mass i'm going to ask him why or report him to the diocese, even though the angelus is a good and worthy prayer it is not part of the holy mass. 


So now you're judge and jury?


This is not Mass, and the church has been openly clear on the use of media, fiction and music in regards to our faith life.


As I said before, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are from another country and don't know proper English.  However, many times your posts appear to be written by someone who is either drunk, high or in another mentally altered state even with your poor English skills.  (BTW there are lots of English self improvement sites out there where your time would be better spent)


Nunsense and Selha posts on the other hand have never been anything but clear and well written with citations to back them up.

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You shouldn't say anything about rap hip hop and gangsters if you know little to nothing about it. Gangster and Gangsta are two totally different things. Or at least you should ask me to clarify. It has nothing to do with the spelling in this matter.


Its all part of a culture that is harmful.  I can say that "Duh, rap, hiphop, gangsters, gangsta's are all harmful" without knowing what is unfolding in those sub-cultures.


BTW my brother is in law enforcement so the term "gangsta" refers to the wanna be "gangsters" who would go crying to mommy if they actually faced any real danger.  That and gangsta's typically are self identified, inner-city and poor, whereas Gangsters are inner-city, organized, clever and handle money.  But in the end, it's an inner-city violence and image problem.  And it is the same.

Edited by blazeingstar
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I will finnish my time on this thread for the last time on this post.  :dead:

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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I have edited this as per Nunsense's wishes - Me 





Though thank you for respecting other posters.  I liked what you wrote.

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