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Why Is Fantasy As Bad As Drug Abuse?

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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You have all misread or forgotten my original post, i know there are good stories and bad.


Pax domini brethren, sympathizers and others...


I was thinking why is it the Lord has pulled me away from entertainment/mythology/fantasy/make believe.

So why is story telling called make believe? It is called this because the story teller tries to make the listener believe there story. Are there good story tellers and bad story tellers? Yes, some are trying to have people believe a true story and some something that is mythological. Why are the pretend stories bad? Well the pretend stories are bad because some people believe the story and those peoples personalities start to become a reflection of the story tellers fantasy/illusion/imagination and not totaly there own real personality.


Well that's all i have so far after examining my conscience on the matter today. Would anyone like to add anything else because i'm sure there's more.


God bless.

Jesus iz LORD.

Onward christian souls.


P.S. This all came about when i was thinking about Gangsta raps impact on youth and entertainments impact on the world in General.




Well the title of the thread makes it seem as if you condemn ALL fantasy and therefore all stories. Perhaps a title like IS Fantasy as bad as drug abuse might have made a difference??

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Well the title of the thread makes it seem as if you condemn ALL fantasy and therefore all stories. Perhaps a title like IS Fantasy as bad as drug abuse might have made a difference??



I addressed that in this thread today, you must have missed that, i said that perhaps the title is wrong and i should have said " similar to a drug addiction."

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I addressed that in this thread today, you must have missed that, i said that perhaps the title is wrong and i should have said " similar to a drug addiction."



Well I still don't think it is similar to a drug addiction - for many reasons. But that is something that we can still disagree on.

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P.S. This all came about when i was thinking about Gangsta raps impact on youth and entertainments impact on the world in General.




Now I'm truly confused as Gangster rap isn't even Fiction.  Your first post was over the top, and we're responding to that.

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Now I'm truly confused as Gangster rap isn't even Fiction.  Your first post was over the top, and we're responding to that.



Yeah, and I thought gangsta rap was music (a subset of hip hop according to Wikipedia) and yet when I mentioned music, Tab said it wasn't about music.


It's hard to discuss something when the topic keeps changing.....

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Now I'm truly confused as Gangster rap isn't even Fiction.  Your first post was over the top, and we're responding to that.



I was talking about gangster raps impact on the world, as with entertainment. Your another word smith aren't you, putting words into peoples mouths that they haven't even said. And most Gangster rap is Gangsta rap/hollywood, and these Gangsta rappers whether alone or in a group would croutons themselves if confronted by a group of bloodz or crips, as i would too, i have never said i was tough. And also if you look at my wording i never even said Gangster rap, i said Gangsta rap.

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I was talking about gangster raps impact on the world, as with entertainment. Your another word smith aren't you, putting words into peoples mouths that they haven't even said.



Tab, have you any idea how confusing you are? No one is putting words in your mouth. When a person responds to what you post, you accuse them of this but all that is happening is that you aren't being clear. I don't know if your problem comes from some condition you have or is an after effect of some addiction, but your reasoning is flawed and your understanding of scripture and the Church is faulty. So because I don't think any good is going to come from continuing to post in this thread, I am out of here. Best wishes.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Tab, have you any idea how confusing you are? No one is putting words in your mouth. When a person responds to what you post, you accuse them of this but all that is happening is that you aren't being clear. I don't know if your problem comes from some condition you have or is an after effect of some addiction, but your reasoning is flawed and your understanding of scripture and the Church is faulty. So because I don't think any good is going to come from continuing to post in this thread, I am out of here. Best wishes.



Then you be clear also nunsense and say, " i don't understand what your getting at tab, please explain a bit deeper or better." whatever, something like that. I think it is you whom also has some kind of condition.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

And i'm also bailing from this thread. I think it has gone as far as it will go, unless anyone wants to continue it among yourselves.

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Then you be clear also nunsense and say, " i don't understand what your getting at tab, please explain a bit deeper or better." whatever, something like that. I think it is you whom also has some kind of condition.


Excuse me; you do not talk to Nunsense like that, a respected member of this community. She is a nun and a sweet lady, who has shown more patience with you than I have, and should be shown respect.


And you will be reported for your rudeness and hateful words towards Nunsense. 

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

, usually while drunk as a skunk, and then when people call you out on your posts 



I am not usually on here drunk, in fact rarely am i on here drunk, why do you lie? And nunsense being a nun doesn't make her beyond rebuke. And i didn't know she was a nun but that shouldn't make a difference i love and respect everyone on here without title in general, but it doesn't mean i have to respect everything you all say. That's my last post on this thread, report me if you like and i hope the mods check the whole thread and not just go off your word.

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I am not usually on here drunk, in fact rarely am i on here drunk, why do you lie? And nunsense being a nun doesn't make her beyond rebuke.


That was not a rebuke, it was rudeness. You aren't a Priest. You're laity, and her being part of a Holy Order means she demands respect. How do you not know this? Hell, Hasan knows this and he's an atheist.


This isn't the "hood" you don't choose who you respect and don't. The Church tells you who you should respect and who you shouldn't.

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I was talking about gangster raps impact on the world, as with entertainment. Your another word smith aren't you, putting words into peoples mouths that they haven't even said. And most Gangster rap is Gangsta rap/hollywood, and these Gangsta rappers whether alone or in a group would croutons themselves if confronted by a group of bloodz or crips, as i would too, i have never said i was tough. And also if you look at my wording i never even said Gangster rap, i said Gangsta rap.


Tab, no one is putting words in your mouth.  You opened this thread about Fiction and how televison and movies as well as other fictional media is bad, is lies, etc.


You did create another thread on gang violence and the bloods and crips.  Just because we choose to spell correctly Gangster vs Gangsta' dosn't mean that we are somehow skewing what you are saying.


Your first topic read as such.

Fantasy is as bad as drug abuse because the media draws one in and is a waste of time and is consuming.  On subsequent posts you indicated that the television, by merit of it being bright, is also a tool of the devil because only God is light (which would make fire, light bulbs and the moon all tools of the devil).  Its not until page 5 when you bring in a new topic, one that is far outside the media's scope and has nothing to do with fiction.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

That was not a rebuke, it was rudeness. You aren't a Priest. You're laity, and her being part of a Holy Order means she demands respect. How do you not know this? Hell, Hasan knows this and he's an atheist.


This isn't the "hood" you don't choose who you respect and don't. The Church tells you who you should respect and who you shouldn't.


She said i had some condition, and i gave her her same medicine selah. and why does orders demand respect, the wrong word being demand, i respect that people enter into an order or the novus priesthood, but again it doesn't mean i respect absoloutly everything they say and nore should i.. I'm not one whom has blind faith. If a priest does the angelus after the sign of the cross at holy mass i'm going to ask him why or report him to the diocese, even though the angelus is a good and worthy prayer it is not part of the holy mass. 

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

.  Just because we choose to spell correctly Gangster vs Gangsta' dosn't mean that we are somehow skewing what you are saying.





You shouldn't say anything about rap hip hop and gangsters if you know little to nothing about it. Gangster and Gangsta are two totally different things. Or at least you should ask me to clarify. It has nothing to do with the spelling in this matter.

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