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Why Is Fantasy As Bad As Drug Abuse?

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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I think i said that i think there is something sinister about it earlier on in this thread. But i never said it was the churches opinion. I don't see how you read what JP2 said as the church okaying t.v and movies, cigerettes had potential originally too and everyone thought they where ok, perhaps even some popes outside of infallible matters of faith and morals.



Ok - I quote again then in case you didn't bother reading what I posted before.



“Since the first public audience in Paris viewed the moving pictures prepared by the Lumière brothers in December 1895,” the pope said, “the film industry has become a universal medium exercising a profound influence on the development of people’s attitudes and choices, and possessing a remarkable ability to influence public opinion and culture across all social and political frontiers.”


The article then goes on to state


Later that year, the pontifical commission provided an important reference point to Catholics interested in assessing the cinema’s “many worthwhile productions during the first hundred years of its existence”: a list of 45 films that has come to be known as the Vatican film list.



The Church is not going to make this an infallible doctrine because it has nothing to do with faith and morals. Fantasy and myths are creative expression of humanity - for good or for bad.


And blazeingstar - yes Pope Benedict was even reported as having a favorite German cartoon show. :)

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Ok - I quote again then in case you didn't bother reading what I posted before.



“Since the first public audience in Paris viewed the moving pictures prepared by the Lumière brothers in December 1895,” the pope said, “the film industry has become a universal medium exercising a profound influence on the development of people’s attitudes and choices, and possessing a remarkable ability to influence public opinion and culture across all social and political frontiers.”





The devil also has a remarkable influence on society, these words don't always mean Good.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Theater in previous centuries was usually a staple diet of the rich which where few and the poor rarely got to see it unless one saved and wen't once or twice a year. Jesus said " It is harder for a rich man to get into heaven then for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle." Though anything is possible to God, i'm not running the rsk. I will leave regular theater for the rich.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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The devil also has a remarkable influence on society, these words don't always mean Good.



Very true - so it comes back down to how a thing is used - for good or for evil. The Vatican has determined that there are good films and bad films. They have gone so far as to recommend some of what they consider to be good - but they don't forbid anyone from making their own decision.


Though the list honors films that show restraint in the depiction of violence and sexuality, it doesn’t confine itself to films that totally avoid such content — any more than the Church’s patronage of other art forms has historically eschewed depictions of violence and nudity. Nudity, sexual content, obscene and profane language, and explicit violence can all be found in films on the list.


Yet all demonstrate a level of restraint that distinguishes them from morally unworthy productions. In acknowledging films that deal with potentially disturbing content, the list again reflects the thought of John Paul II, who wrote in his Letter to Artists, “Even when they explore the darkest depths of the soul or the most unsettling aspects of evil, artists give voice in a way to the universal desire for redemption” (10). (See also “What Are the Decent Films?”)

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The devil also has a remarkable influence on society, these words don't always mean Good.


Tab, now you're stretching.  The Pope KNOWS this.  The point is that fiction, fantacy, TV, Radio, Ipods, Movies can all be used to do INCREDIBLE good and to condemn them is to condemn a tool of God.


You have a very Puritanism and even Amish/Mennonite/Quaker idea in your head right now.  It is heretical to declare that something that God can, and has, used for His Glory is strictly from the Devil.  And perhaps your thought process is more demonically influenced than you want to realize.

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Theater in previous centuries was usually a staple diet of the rich which where few and the poor rarely got to see it unless one saved and wen't once or twice a year. Jesus said " It is harder for a rich man to get into heaven then for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle." Though anything is possible to God, i'm not running the rsk. I will leave regular theater for the rich.


Seriously?  Have you ever picked up a history book.  Yes, full stage productions were for the wealthy, but from Pa Ingalls to Jane Austin, people used fiction to entertain themselves when the heavy labor was done.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

:), you defend it like it's the holy catholic church, i think your more the heretics.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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Yeah Tab, I'm sensing a touch of the Southern Baptist in what you post. I had Baptist neighbors in the US who believed that all music, dancing etc was the work of the devil. It is a very Protestant way of looking at things - and the most severe of Protestants at that. Are you aware that although you claim to be a Christian, you don't actually preach the teachings of the Catholic Church? You almost claim to be 'more Catholic than the Pope'!

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Yeah Tab, I'm sensing a touch of the Southern Baptist in what you post. I had Baptist neighbors in the US who believed that all music, dancing etc was the work of the devil. It is a very Protestant way of looking at things - and the most severe of Protestants at that. Are you aware that although you claim to be a Christian, you don't actually preach the teachings of the Catholic Church? You almost claim to be 'more Catholic than the Pope'!



There you go again word smithing. Saying i have said something i never siad. I never said anything about dancing and music, and i have never claimed to be more catholic then the pope, and you have obviosuly missed my many posts on scripture. But in saying that the majority of popular music whether under ground or above is probably devilish in the most, of what i have heard anyway.

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There you go again word smithing. Saying i have said something i never siad. I never said anything about dancing and music, and i have never claimed to be more catholic then the pope, and you have obviosuly missed my many posts on scripture.



Well then make it clear to all of us - what exactly are you saying? Music and dancing often include elements of fantasy or myth. The title of this thread is why is fantasy as bad as drug abuse but I have yet to see you provide any scriptural or church sources that actually state that this is true. Nothing that you have quoted from scripture so far has supported what you claim.

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:), you defend it like it's the holy catholic church, i think your more the heretics.


No, we are not defending it like it's the Catechism, but we are defending what is a wonderful and blessed tool from God.


To us, you are literally following Christ's hyperbole when he said "if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out/if your hand, chop it off"


Jesus did not want us to go around maiming ourselves but rather to be aware of what may cause us to sin. Now, in your case this may be you need to stay away from all media, but it also cautions us to be prudent and letting you know that you should not proclaim this as you could potentially harm someone, or many people that God intended to come to him through fiction.

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Are you one of the ones that think everyone has a plank in there eye therefore never excepts humble rebuke. Scripture also says " except humble rebuke." :)


*their  *accept

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No, we are not defending it like it's the Catechism, but we are defending what is a wonderful and blessed tool from God.


To us, you are literally following Christ's hyperbole when he said "if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out/if your hand, chop it off"


Jesus did not want us to go around maiming ourselves but rather to be aware of what may cause us to sin. Now, in your case this may be you need to stay away from all media, but it also cautions us to be prudent and letting you know that you should not proclaim this as you could potentially harm someone, or many people that God intended to come to him through fiction.


Yes, this exactly. If something causes an occasion of sin for us, then we should avoid it. But fantasy does not cause all people to sin. In  fact, it has been a great tool for some people, especially when there is a moral to the story. Where would we be without Aesop's Fabiles?? :)

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

You have all misread or forgotten my original post, i know there are good stories and bad. And unsure if it was in this thread or another but in my original post here i failed to mention that yes there are stories told that encourage morality, the book of tobit being one.


Pax domini brethren, sympathizers and others...


I was thinking why is it the Lord has pulled me away from entertainment/mythology/fantasy/make believe.

So why is story telling called make believe? It is called this because the story teller tries to make the listener believe there story. Are there good story tellers and bad story tellers? Yes, some are trying to have people believe a true story and some something that is mythological. Why are the pretend stories bad? Well the pretend stories are bad because some people believe the story and those peoples personalities start to become a reflection of the story tellers fantasy/illusion/imagination and not totaly there own real personality.


Well that's all i have so far after examining my conscience on the matter today. Would anyone like to add anything else because i'm sure there's more.


God bless.

Jesus iz LORD.

Onward christian souls.


P.S. This all came about when i was thinking about Gangsta raps impact on youth and entertainments impact on the world in General.

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