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Why Is Fantasy As Bad As Drug Abuse?

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

It would seem to me that one would be limiting God to say He couldn't speak through these things.


All things used to His Glory, of course.....


After all, Jesus certainly enjoyed using parables....


Not trying to make you feel bad, Tab.... but I think God can use these as well as the other side.... as St. Maximilian Kolbe pointed out, "Why should we let Satan have all the fun toys?"  Indeed.....



Joseph was granted what he was granted not because of his brothers evil or the egyptians gloryfying him but because he remained faithful to God. And God has fun toys, but there not the devils toys. You people really twist stuff.

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Nunsense, nore holy scripture, nore sacred tradition is going to tell you absolutely everything about everything.



Tab - once again you judge me and find me wanting. Please leave my soul to my Confessor until you are so without sin yourself that you can start throwing stones - ok? I was agreeing with other posters and yet you don't attack them. If you make this personal, then I will report you. And please don't PM me anymore. Thank you again.



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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I pm'd you onced. Don't make something into what it isn't. And now that you have stated don't pm me again i won't.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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I pm'd you onced. Don't make something into what it isn't. And now that you have stated don't pm me again i won't.



You PMd me 3 times in all and were quite rude but since you have agreed not to do it again, I say thank you.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

You PMd me 3 times in all and were quite rude but since you have agreed not to do it again, I say thank you.


I pm'd you once in that it was one conversation.

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I pm'd you once in that it was one conversation.



Let it drop now Tab - I got 3 nasty messages from you but you said no more, so great.


Just remember that we don't all have to have the same opinions here on phatmass, and that your point of view is just one opinion. You think that fantasy and myths are as bad as drug abuse. Never having taken drugs myself, I can't speak with experience of course, but according to the teachings of the Church, this isn't true.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Let it drop now Tab - I got 3 nasty messages from you but you said no more, so great.


Just remember that we don't all have to have the same opinions here on phatmass, and that your point of view is just one opinion. You think that fantasy and myths are as bad as drug abuse. Never having taken drugs myself, I can't speak with experience of course, but according to the teachings of the Church, this isn't true.


Where does the church say either way whether it's ok to watch t.v and movies or not ? And i don't remember messaging you 3 times, just 3 times in the one conversation that was kind of nasty, i'm not denying that, on both sides. But your right lets drop it. And again , Where does the church say either way whether it's ok to watch t.v and movies or not ?

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide
No escape from reality
Open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see
I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy
Because I'm easy come, easy go
A little high, little low
Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me, to me

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I'm pretty sure Holy Mother Church does not say that it is actually Good to induldge in or even watch t.v. and movies and nore does she say that such undertakings are for the benefit of all mankind and the kingdom of heaven on earth.

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Where does the church say either way whether it's ok to watch t.v and movies or not ? And i don't remember messaging you 3 times, just 3 times in the one conversation that was kind of nasty, i'm not denying that, on both sides. But your right lets drop it. And again , Where does the church say either way whether it's ok to watch t.v and movies or not ?



For heaven's sake Tab - you can Google this yourself but here is a sample:


more at    http://www.decentfilms.com/articles/vaticanfilmlist


On March 17, 1995, almost exactly 10 years before his passing, Pope John Paul II addressed a plenary assembly of the Pontifical Commission for Social Communications, which that year observed another anniversary of particular importance to its own mission and to the Holy Father’s heart: the centenary of the motion picture.


“Since the first public audience in Paris viewed the moving pictures prepared by the Lumière brothers in December 1895,” the pope said, “the film industry has become a universal medium exercising a profound influence on the development of people’s attitudes and choices, and possessing a remarkable ability to influence public opinion and culture across all social and political frontiers.”


The pope’s remarks were both forward looking, speaking to the potential of cinema to become “a more and more positive factor in the development of individuals and a stimulus for the conscience of society as a whole,” and also historically minded, speaking positively of the praiseworthy contributions of “many worthwhile productions during the first hundred years of [the cinema’s] existence.”


Later that year, the pontifical commission provided an important reference point to Catholics interested in assessing the cinema’s “many worthwhile productions during the first hundred years of its existence”: a list of 45 films that has come to be known as the Vatican film list.


Though often characterized, somewhat misleadingly, as “the Vatican’s top films,” the list is meant neither as a set of definitive or magisterial “top fifteen” lists nor to establish these particular films as definitely more worthwhile than any film that was not included. Titled simply “Some Important Films,” the list is simply a cross section of outstanding films, chosen by a committee of twelve international movie scholars appointed by the head of the pontifical commission, Archbishop John Foley. Archbishop Foley has said that the list is not intended to canonize these particular films; and, in releasing the list, the commission acknowledged, “Not all that deserve mention are included.”


The list is made up of three categories, “Religion,” “Values,” and “Art,” with 15 films in each of the three categories. Some are well-known favorites (e.g., It’s a Wonderful Life; The Wizard of Oz). Others have extraordinary moral or spiritual significance (e.g., A Man for All Seasons; Schindler’s List). Still others are challenging “art films” that demand literate critical engagement (the austere mysticism of Tarkovsky’s Andrei Rublev and The Sacrifice; the exotic grotesquerie of Fellini’s La Strada and 8½).


The list includes comedy (The Lavender Hill Mob), horror (Nosferatu), science fiction (2001: A Space Odyssey; Metropolis), animation (Fantasia), sports (Chariots of Fire), family melodrama (Little Women), a number of war movies, several silent films, even a Western (Stagecoach).


This openness to cinema in all its forms reflects the view articulated in the Holy Father’s address to the pontifical commission. “The Church’s overall judgment of this art form, as of all genuine art, is positive and hopeful,” John Paul II declared. “We have seen that masterpieces of the art of film making can be moving challenges to the human spirit, capable of dealing in depth with subjects of great meaning and importance from an ethical and spiritual point of view.”


At the same time, the pope sounded a note of caution: “Unfortunately, though, some cinema productions merit criticism and disapproval, even severe criticism and disapproval. This is the case when films distort the truth, oppress genuine freedom, or show scenes of sex and violence offensive to human dignity.”




Pope Benedict spends first night as Pope Emeritus watching TV.



Pope Paul VI Watching Television

Original caption: Pope Paul VI sits before a television set in his summer villa here July 20th and watches the astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin land on the moon.




The Vatican also has a website and uses Twitter.


I think this shows that sin is not so much in the object itself but in the use of that object.


You appear to suffer from scrupulosity. Perhaps you need to speak with a Confessor about this??

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Not a matter of infallible faith and morals nunsense. And Jp2 never even said it is actually good, but says something like it has the potential to be good, it is not good now if it ever will be. Though ewtn may be an exception, and a rare few movies, and things like  landing on the moon, that was a one off by the way and i doubt the pope or any pope has really wasted to much time in front of the television. But in general it is B to the A to the D.

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Not a matter of infallible faith and morals nunsense.


Well, I have provided more sources for my opinion than you have for yours. So what is your authority that the Church considers these things as intrinsically sinful?? I see nothing but your personal opinion here.

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Joseph was granted what he was granted not because of his brothers evil or the egyptians gloryfying him but because he remained faithful to God. And God has fun toys, but there not the devils toys. You people really twist stuff.


No, we are not twisting things.  God MADE humans and God ALLOWS humans to be creative.  Fiction is no more drugs, than the Sistine Chapel is a swimming pool of Vodka.


Fiction, fantasy, at its best is a wonderful tool to bring people to God in a childlike way that is non-confrontational and easily digestible.  Jesus did this.  His parables were wonderful tools to be non-confrontational.  The Prodigal son, the lost sheep, the good Samaritan.  Jesus COULD OF been straight forward, no nonsense and used no fiction.  It is very clear that God has used JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis to convert many people.  They are the greatest modern fantasy writers.  God used Charles Dickens to highlight the poverty and abuse of children.  Native American folklore has an interesting thread that made conversion easy. Nursery rhymes were actually coded messages that allowed peasants to escape religious persecution and share news.  Throughout history God has used both the written and oral word to show His Glory and message.


Jesus lead by example.  If He did not want us to use fiction, He would not of used it.


Fiction, at its worst, can draw us into topics that we shouldn't be exposed to, however, there is just as much problematic non fiction, philosophy and news-casting that 99% of the fiction is mild by comparison.


Thats not to say that you, and maybe a few other people, might not have an addictive personality that doesn't jive well with modern technology.  But you should be careful to condemn something that throught history has been a tool of God.

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Not a matter of infallible faith and morals nunsense. And Jp2 never even said it is actually good, but says something like it has the potential to be good, it is not good now if it ever will be. Though ewtn may be an exception, and a rare few movies, and things like  landing on the moon, that was a one off by the way and i doubt the pope or any pope has really wasted to much time in front of the television. But in general it is B to the A to the D.


I believe Benedict watched TV nightly (or atleast had a "family movie night" once a week or more) with a group of nuns and seminarians at the Vatican.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Well, I have provided more sources for my opinion than you have for yours. So what is your authority that the Church considers these things as intrinsically sinful?? I see nothing but your personal opinion here.



I think i said that i think there is something sinister about it earlier on in this thread. But i never said it was the churches opinion. I don't see how you read what JP2 said as the church okaying t.v and movies, cigerettes had potential originally too and everyone thought they where ok, perhaps even some popes, outside of infallible matters of faith and morals.

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