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Arfink: Thread Of Randomness (mk.iii)


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Breathe...take in a deep breath....hold it....til you are either unstressed or unconscious...that's what we do in X-ray. ;)

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Breathe...take in a deep breath....hold it....til you are either unstressed or unconscious...that's what we do in X-ray. ;)


That is apparently what they do in MRI too. ;)

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ARFink, just nibble on a little piece of something you need or want to get done.  Later, repeat.   You'll be surprised how much this may help....

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Our family seems to be having a health-crisis marathon this week.

My sister S went to ER with mom this afternoon for strong abdominal pain and nausea. (sounds frighteningly familiar to me!)

My brother B messed up his ankle very badly on Sunday while playing soccer. He claimed it was incredibly painful. This is the same kid who, several years ago, laughed and said it tickled when nurses have him 8 stitches in his forehead and 10 in his knee with no anesthetic. He literally doesn't feel pain like normal people. He refused to see a doctor, and claims to be feeling better now, but is still hobbling around on crutches.

And dad has been in the bathroom all day on account of his preparations for a colonoscopy tomorrow.

I guess that leaves me in charge then... :P Prayers appreciated for all the members of my family, that they will be feeling themselves again soon.

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She's going to surgery. I don't fully understand what's going on. I only have partial accounts from the teenage sister and the 5yr old is crying her eyeballs out. I suspect part of the tears have to do with a faceplant into the fence and not sleeping last night though...

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OK, so this is just getting strange. Another person wants to recommend me for a job? What is going on??

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How are your sister and the others who were sick doing?   I'm sure people are concerned...


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Ah yes, forgot to update!


Dad came through his colonoscopy just fine. I think he was more concerned about it than he perhaps needed to be. I think the preparation leading up to it, including the "magical Kool-Aid," and the worry, was probably more traumatic than the event itself, so to speak. :)


Ben seems to be fine. He's off going to work without his crutches and just generally being himself, although slightly less aggressively athletic. Typical Ben stuff, you know.


And Sarah... well, let's say that her time in the hospital, her surgery, and her rapid recovery are nothing short of miraculous, in my opinion. It says something when a GYN who has been practicing for 2 decades insists that she has never, ever, ever seen someone recover like Sarah did. Praised be to God.

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