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Arfink: Thread Of Randomness (mk.iii)


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You make a persuasive argument. I do love beaches. :evil: :saint2: :evil:


Its raining on the beach in Michigan.


No, wait, it turned into snow...

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Yet another Monday. It's cold and kinda bleh again today, after a weekend of warmth and sun. Work is hard today, for some reason. Feeling sluggish. :/

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Everyone I know feels like a giant banana slug today.



But GOD MADE and GOD LOVES banana slugs!!!!!!



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For you Frank Sinatra lovers. ;) And for everybody else too, I guess.

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I've been pondering trimming down my fairly massive video game collection as Ploomf and I get closer to the wedding. I know plenty of collector types who would be really interested in lots of the stuff I have, but I thought I'd ask here, just in case any PM-ers are avid retro-gamers. My collection does not contain any gems of superb rarity or games which are in untouched condition, just loose copies of games that I consider to be the most fun. I have a big pile of NES games which need to go, a few Neo Geo MVS titles, a Playstation with a Guncon controller and a copy of the original Time Crisis, an Apple IIgs with all the fixin's, some Neo Geo Pocket Color games, and some other bits and bobs like a Zipit Z2 handheld.


So if you're into that kind of thing and want first crack at it, let me know. :)

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I don't know if I still have my old CD original of Myst anymore, I'd have to check. I know for old PC titles, I still have original jewel-case copies of Quake 1 and 2 and Duke Nukem.

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Well, I took photos of most of my game stuff for the NES and Famicom and posted it. I'm going to have a hard time not compulsively checking it every moment now to see who is looking and who is buying. :P Blah!


If you want to look at piles of pretty video games which will hopefully be leaving my home soon, click here. Otherwise, please pray the sales are successful. I plan to use this money to replace an aging cell phone and put money towards a car for me and Ploomf. :) Thanks!

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He has hair now. And a proper beard! My model for St. Joseph lacked both those things when I started out, just a little stubble. So it was a little tricky to get it modeled exactly right, but I think I have it the way I want it now. The cloth still needs more modeling though.

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You can't excommunicate the Dominicans! That's strictly not allowed!


Tony, look at the Party page in Habit.... I want an answer.

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