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Arfink: Thread Of Randomness (mk.iii)


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Doing a new Windows install and config takes so much time. I've been at this for hours. :P


First the install, then the 3 or 4 reboots as it gets itself settled. Then activation. Then drivers. More rebooting. Gotta clean up the default settings on IE because it's so very very insecure by default. It's like a giant neon sign proclaiming to every web server "HEY, I HAVEN'T BEEN PATCHED OR HAD ANY DEFAULTS CHANGED, PLEASE ATTACK ME!" It didn't come with anything useful by default, no office applications, no productivity-anything, no common utilities for audio or video. I put on my standard package of Libre Office suite for productivity and VLC for media. Avast for anti-virus. Chrome and Firefox both installed too. Then I had to install the various proprietary codecs, and Adobe Flash. Next I should probably install Adobe Reader, since Microsoft Windows still doesn't read industry standard file formats. GRRRRR. I had to put on java and javascript attack protection and adblockers since it seems advertising is also a huge security problem these days.


Come to think of it, I bet it doesn't even have CD/DVD ripping or burning capabilities built in either, and probably a hundred other things that really have been included standard in Apple and Linux OSes for better than a decade now. :bashes head against wall:

Edited by arfink
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Feeling lonely today, and a bit burned out. I know in my head that I'm still doing OK, and no ground has been lost yet, but I still just want to hibernate for a while.

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Awww. Vicodin is the worst, isn't it? It cuts things down, but that includes your ability to function like a normal human being.... Prayers!

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I know the feeling. (I was there for migraines back in high school... but at least my pain was basically nuked by the Vicodin.)

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Much pain. Very ow. Please pray.


Even with the vicodin, it still hurts a ton.


I hope you feel better soon love. I'm praying for you. :console:

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