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Arfink: Thread Of Randomness (mk.iii)


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I'm glad to see you have found a good use for your Vol IV of the Liturgy of the Hours. :)


Haven't I seen that girl somewhere before?   Can't quite place her......  ;)


Glad you are getting that set up to be useful!

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Very cool


(You wouldn't happen to be able to get a hold of the pattern for that cute little owl would you?)


My mom made little owls like that for all of us. I'm sure we can get you the pattern. I will ask (I'm pretty sure Tony knows nothing about knitting or crocheting). ;)

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So, don't ask. I just found this. I'm only a messenger. Also, it's hilarious. ^_^
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Well, it's a nutsy kind of day here. Problems with who gets the car when this week, and more snow has been falling. Hopefully the nightmares will also abate slightly. :P

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Well, my nefarious awesome plans for the new year are beginning to come together. So much stuff rolling around in my head, and I can only pick a few things here and there, because otherwise my head will explode. But it should be fun. :bounce:

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Danger of your brain exploding?  Oh no!   Let some of the ideas out, ARFINK!!!!!   They want to PLAY!!!!!!!!




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And the Holy Family makes a triple-header showing here in some triptych concepts. ;)


I laughed soooooo hard...   :bravo:


"What'd you drop the Baby for!!"

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Today's upset: Watching images of war in Ukraine.




The churches, especially the Ukrainian Catholic and Ukrainian Orthodox, are making a stand with the people of Ukraine against government tyranny, and are paying a horrible price. I won't get into all the politics of it, because it's complicated, but the short story is that the government of Ukraine has decided to join an alliance with Russia and Putin rather than the EU, threatening to usher in a system of human-rights abuses almost as bad as under Communism.


That symbol on the man's improvised riot shield is the "crown" of the Ukrainian coat of arms, surmounted by a cross which is not part of the original coat of arms.

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Prayers for them... and strangely, that sheild with the cross atop the crown looks eerily like the Discalced Carmelite shield...


I can't find one of the more avante gard versions of the crest, but some of them use more of a diamond below the cross... it ws just eerie to see it.   So... I will ask Our Lady to pray especially for them....




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Today I have been learning about LOCA, which stands for liquid optically clear adhesive, and pondering many interesting uses for such a thing. I have no idea if I'll actually come across good use for it, but I found it interesting to read about. But the main thing I have learned about LOCA is that the electronics industry has been using it for the past couple years now to bond cover glass and touch sensors to digital displays that are in smartphones, tablets, and e-readers. Apparently this glue is very thin and pours easily and can bond to uneven surfaces. This allows the manufacturer to bond two pieces of glass or plastic with complete "optical conduction" which means that once the two pieces are bonded you will be able to look through both layers with no reflections in the middle. It's what makes modern glass panels for phones such a dark and even black color when turned off, and crystal clear when turned on.


It just so happens that some of my previous clients are very into modifying old Gameboys, and I've done work on them myself. I can think of a number of traditional backlight modifications that these clients have done before which could be greatly improved by the use of LOCA to bond the materials together, producing a far superior finished look.


Also, I've decided on which model picture I'm using. Once the first sketch is done I will share.

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