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Would You Stone Sinners As Required By The Bible If You Lived In Otest


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again, i dont have issue with why we dont follow the OT laws now. i have issue with why wouldnt you folks as a jew living in the OT days stone people?


Maybe because they're not Jews lving in OT times :detective: They don't have the same culture, upbringing, ideas, culture, politics, religion, social problems and so on. You're expecting them to have an alien and generational tranplant back in time frankly. Of course they don't think the same. You're also taking a very literal fundamentalist view of the texts, without the grounding in Judaic studies to inform what did happen (rather than what the text implies to you).

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Well said. Basically the question is "if you were not you, what would you do?"  I have enough trouble knowing what I'm doing when I am me.

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Justin Netzel

If i was a Jew living in the Old Testament you can bet I would stone people. That was their culture. Look at St. Stephen and how quick they were to stone him. I posted this part in the other forum but maybe its better here lol ..If you look at the rather strict OT laws they were all a precursor to Christ. It showed how strict man had to be in regards to sin as it brought the wrath of the Creator down upon mankind. It also showed a justice that we can't understand fully because we can't understand how sin distorts our nature and thereby offends God. When He came He fulfilled the law so that sin no longer brought the wrath of God on man as God Himself through Christ took all of the wrath upon Himself through His ignominious death on the cross. Take for example the law of scourging the bondwoman and the man after they fornicate and then the man has to go offer a sacrifice. Christ fulfilled this precept through the scourging at the pillar and then offering himself as the Spotless Lamb. There are also numerous other laws that when you look through the schema of the Passion you see the fulfillment of the Mosaic law. Hence the famous "I will have mercy and not sacrifice". Now we get the Mercy of God merited through Christ's passion when we faithfully confess our sins to Jesus as he is our advocate for the Father. Gotta love me my Jesus

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Mark of the Cross

Fortunately I've been enlightened by the New Testament. So the question is easy whether I'm stoned or not. :hehe2:  That is if I were living in a society where such an action were dictated by a book, I hope I would have the good sense and the conscience to reject those things which if misinterpreted would cause inner conflict with the spirit that resides within. :spike:

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Credo in Deum

I just stoned three people last week.


Does that answer your question?

























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Jesus came to fulfill the Law. He did so mostly in 'replacing' it with the Law of Love.


Love supersedes everything else. 


So  I guess I find the question a bit pointless, we don't live in OT times, we live post Jesus and I can't see the point in busting a gut over trying to make a decision I will never be called upon to make in reality.

Edited by maximillion
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