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Walmart Buys An Island


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Walmart buys an island. They will set the laws on the island, but in order to make sure Walmart's power is kept in check, the Executives in charge of the island will appoint a panel of judges. The judges will then keep the people who appointed (and pay) them in check.


Edited by Winchester
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We don't have any Wal-Mart stores here in Australia but...


WAL-MART, the world's biggest retailer, which last week gave up on Germany, is reportedly looking at trying its luck in Australia and is sizing up our two biggest supermarket operators, Coles Myer and Woolworths.




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That's all very nice, but my point is that the "checks and balances" of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches are asinine. It's a fiction I will hopefully teach my daughter to scorn and ridicule.

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It's not a very good analogy.  It would work if the customers elected the executives.  


That's a rather minor change.

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I foresee this island having hundreds of ports of entry, with only about two of them actually open.


Yeah, but you can always just ride up onto the beach yourself.

















If the beach isn't broken.

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