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in a little rural village not even on the map, east of a bustling college town with neighbors of equally bustling and growing college towns all dotting an interstate corridor in the great state of Texas...


where I live though is quiet, happy small ranch living...a small ghost town where a beautiful river runs through...you can hear the birds sing, the frogs croak, the crickets chirp and the roosters crowing at 4 a.m.  You can also hear rifle shots as the hunters around here do their thing.  Occassionally, you'll hear neighbors yards down the road arguing at a drunken party or a car crashing at the bend in the road.


AT night it seems you can see the entire universe in the night sky, all the stars shining very brightly and the moon lights up the field with its ethereal glow...


IT's a beautiful place and I'm afraid others are discovering it...our growth is going to be our downfall.. *sigh*  im afraid i'll hafta pack up soon and look for another slice of heaven...

tl;dr :P

blah balh blah texas blah blah


France, in a city next to Toulouse. Toulouse (yes, it is pronounced "to lose") is a city in the south-west of France (where we know how to eat - duck, duck, duck, and duck), it's underestimated, but it's super cool and beautifull, and there is a lot of dominican history in the region. 


My region is amazing and I can't miss an occasion to be super chauvinistic. 

I like Peking duck

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Spanish-Lebanese, son of Sephardic Jew of Israel convert to Catholic and a Lebanese Maronite. My mother's family would never have consented to marry someone not Christian, they are shammar, my brothers and I went blond like my father. Then we emigrated to Spain during the war, i still do not know my Jewish family. 

Edited by ruso
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Ontario, Canada-but originally from Quebec.  


These old threads just seem to take a life of their own! Will we ever be free of them!   :(

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