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You Are The Father's Beloved.

Sister Mary Rose

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Sister Mary Rose

You are the Father’s Beloved.


No matter what anguish you are experiencing;


No matter how many sins you have committed;


No matter how many times you have turned away from Him;


No matter what horrible things have happened to you;


No matter if you are very angry with Him for allowing terrible things to happen;


No matter that it seems like your life is totally messed up;


You are and always have been the Father’s Beloved Child.


The Father has created you to be a unique, irreplaceable image of Himself.  No one can take your place.  The Father desires that you enter into a union with His Beloved Son Jesus and His Holy Spirit that will make you unimaginably happy forever.


Today (August 7) is a day that God the Father in an approved private revelation to Mother Eugenia Ravasio in 1932 suggested be established as a feast in His Honor. You can read the whole message at: http://www.theworkofgod.org/God.htm


Up to this point (2013) God the Father has no feast day.  If one is established by the Church it will open up a floodgate of blessings as more and more of God’s beloved children come to realize that they have an Infinite Loving Father Who desires to be known, honored, and loved by them in order to draw them into the happiness He created them to experience.  You can read another article about this on today’s Spirit Daily website: http://www.spiritdaily.com/GodtheFather.htm


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I don't think this is really Debate Table material.  Would you maybe like this moved to Transmundane Lane where serious (and usually less cranky) religious discussion takes place?

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She's waiting for the atheists to come in and argue that, no, you are not the Father's beloved child.


It's a nice cute piece of poetry, but what of it?


And maybe people don't want to be children....I mean seriously?  Does being someone's child really give one the warm fuzzies?


I'd rather be someone's equal, and if that lacked, than perhaps friend or fairly treated subordinate.  Why bothor with the whole family nonsense?

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I suppose we could debate the importance of the private revelation referenced in the original post, and whether or not we think that God the Father needs a special liturgical feast day.

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A lot of the old saints said you can only commit so many sins....There is a limit...Some church militant guy who is my friend on facebook was talking about this a while ago...

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A lot of the old saints said you can only commit so many sins....There is a limit...Some church militant guy who is my friend on facebook was talking about this a while ago...


It seems like maybe unrepentance goes with this?.. I don't think it would actually contradict the private revelations talking about God's mercy and Him showing mercy to those who repent, or wanting to show mercy. If a person gets so hardened of heart that they don't want to turn to God at all, that doesn't mean that God didn't want to forgive them. That's why we need to pray for souls, so their souls don't get more and more distant, but that they would come to God.

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