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God Bless Christopher Hitchens ;-)


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D'Souza is a legit intellectual.


Did you know that Christopher Hitchens favorably reviewed his book, "Life After Death: The Evidence"? He definitely didn't agree with you about D'Souza being a fool.


You need to stop using wiki for a source - ANY type of public-edited source is a suspect one. If you go to a wiki every time you need to learn about someone, you will be easily controlled by mob think. Do your own reading and think for yourself.


I don't really watch any of these debates because they are very boring. It's not possible to prove God exists. It's also not possible to prove he doesn't exist. Let's watch a couple people try for a couple hours. Snore.


Unimpressed so far by the dinesh.



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Dinesh D'souza. Blech. He's a statist Winnie, of course you don't like him.

Just read the William Lane Craig debate with Hitchens. Craig sucked less. It's frustrating to witness people talk past each other.

Sorry I'm tired and grouchy. Probably shouldn't be posting.

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Dinesh D'souza. Blech. He's a statist Winnie, of course you don't like him.

Just read the William Lane Craig debate with Hitchens. Craig sucked less. It's frustrating to witness people talk past each other.

Sorry I'm tired and grouchy. Probably shouldn't be posting.


Really? I don't find craig that good. I liked D'Souza more. There's also a few Catholics that did fine against Hitchens. 

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Really? I don't find craig that good. I liked D'Souza more. There's also a few Catholics that did fine against Hitchens.

I didn't so much think Craig did good (he was ok) as I think Hitchens failed rather miserably. Ok, that's an exaggeration, but Craig made some specific claims at the beginning of the debate, and about halfway through, Craig challenged Hitchens to disprove any specific claim he had made. I might have missed it, but I didn't seem like Hitchens ever did.

Hitchens had a couple of good moments, but he didn't really disprove any argument Craig made.
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So he says at the end of this rather short video clip that it's a moral and ethical question to decide whether abortion is right or wrong. He also says it should be the decision of both parents. This is NOT christopher hitchens saying he believes all abortions are wrong...


In todays promiscuous society there probably are way too many abortions going on but that doesn't make all abortions unethical and immoral. It's not as black and white as I imagine most catholics believe it to be.

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I didn't so much think Craig did good (he was ok) as I think Hitchens failed rather miserably. Ok, that's an exaggeration, but Craig made some specific claims at the beginning of the debate, and about halfway through, Craig challenged Hitchens to disprove any specific claim he had made. I might have missed it, but I didn't seem like Hitchens ever did.

Hitchens had a couple of good moments, but he didn't really disprove any argument Craig made.


Meh, I rewatched it. Hitchens didn't do so well in this one. I guess I was thinking about another Craig debate. 

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So he says at the end of this rather short video clip that it's a moral and ethical question to decide whether abortion is right or wrong. He also says it should be the decision of both parents. This is NOT christopher hitchens saying he believes all abortions are wrong...


In todays promiscuous society there probably are way too many abortions going on but that doesn't make all abortions unethical and immoral. It's not as black and white as I imagine most catholics believe it to be.


The life or death of a child is a pretty black-and-white situation.

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No I meant the reasons why a mother should abort is not black and white. What if she was raped? It's her body not the churches. I'm so glad the law allows abortion for this exact reason.

It is true that abortion is used as a quick get out clause and I don't think that's right

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No I meant the reasons why a mother should abort is not black and white. What if she was raped? It's her body not the churches. I'm so glad the law allows abortion for this exact reason.

It is true that abortion is used as a quick get out clause and I don't think that's right

The child is not a piece of property that belongs to the mother. Your argument is in favor of a form of child slavery. The child should not be put to death because of the crimes of the father. It is rather backwards thinking to think of such a child as some type of curse.
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No I meant the reasons why a mother should abort is not black and white. What if she was raped? It's her body not the churches. I'm so glad the law allows abortion for this exact reason.

It is true that abortion is used as a quick get out clause and I don't think that's right


No, it's not her body. Unless you're of the bizarre opinion that mother and child are together one human person.

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Well it's very good of you to wish him well Lilllabettt. Thanks :)


If atheism's true, Christopher Hitchens no longer exists.

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