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God Bless Christopher Hitchens ;-)


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Wikipedia is actually fairly reliable.  Would I cite it in a paper? No.  But it's great for helping to locate sources.  I don't see why it can't be used as a general source, especially on something as informal as a web forum.  

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Wikipedia is actually fairly reliable.  Would I cite it in a paper? No.  But it's great for helping to locate sources.  I don't see why it can't be used as a general source, especially on something as informal as a web forum.  


In his misspent youth, my husband enjoyed vandalizing wikipedia with his buddies. Some of their edits stayed up for weeks. For instance, for a certain period of time Francis Scott Key's entry stated that he was strangled to death by a man named Barry Herman.

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It's also good to confirm and expand upon something that you already know so long as you get a second opinion from at least one more source

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It's not that easy now though Maggie. They're very rigorous on their own researching and double checking and have several experts in a wide variety of fields.

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I'll admit this, and only once: but Hitchens was definitely a smart guy. He had a certain degree of intellectual prowess that I can respect. Waste of talent,yes--but talent nonetheless. 



That doesn't mean that I agreed with him on anything. Actually, I have never agreed with him on anything. But..eh.. 




Also, I wouldn't say that popular opinion guarantees truth. Remember friend, there was a time when over 99% of the worlds population believed that the sun revolved around the earth.. 



God bless you, man. Iv'e been away from PM for a bit so let this be my official welcome. :) 


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It's not that easy now though Maggie. They're very rigorous on their own researching and double checking and have several experts in a wide variety of fields.







I couldn't resist. I couldn't. But now I think I might have to go to confession...


Anyway. Point being, don't take wiki at their word for everything.

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That doesn't mean that I agreed with him on anything. Actually, I have never agreed with him on anything. But..eh.. 


He was actually pretty pro-life.

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I couldn't resist. I couldn't. But now I think I might have to go to confession...


Anyway. Point being, don't take wiki at their word for everything.


Still up. I wonder if this will end up in some poor high schooler's paper. 

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Hmmm thanks but I found the comments more interesting especially the last one :)


Like a woman waiting for her sweetheart that left for war and isn't coming back. THere comes a point where intrigue turns into unhealthy obsession. It's been 2000 years, let it go. He isn't coming back.


"faith has been forced out of the classroom"

Not sure what you mean by "forced". But the fact of the matter is that "faith" is irrelevant to education, unless, of course, you're referring to education in religious studies - which can also be studied without faith, in fact. Education in science in particular teaches students to think critically and apply rational analysis, which is precisely what reveals the flaws and fallacies of religious faith, which is why an education in science is probably the greatest influence in causing formerly religious believers to walk away from what they come to realize is just wrong.

Exactly. From actually scientific survey - unlike the one the article discusses, apparently - the primary factor in causing religious believers to become atheists is a college education. Additionally, education in science specifically is an even bigger factor.


No, you only pretend my comment made your point. I honestly could not care less about a mentally ill man (who was really a composite of multiple people) who as a carpenter ironically died by being nailed to some wood. it's the stupidity, arrogance, and evil of his fanclub I cannot stand. Therefore, it is my duty as a sentient being with the capacity for empathy and morality to stamp out this nonsense wherever it may rear its ugly head. You want to believe in fairy tales? Go right ahead. Know that they are nothing but fairy tales and do not expect to be taken seriously by anyone else outside of your church. When these fairy tales start to negatively impact society (discrimination and in earlier times, witch-hunts and the crusades and all that), that's when I'm going to call out bullshit as I see it. Your cognitive dissonance, fear if death, delusions of grandeur ("the creator of the universe knows my name and knows me personally"), pareidolia nor apophenia, are not proof of anything. 2.1 billion christians on the planet believing bullshit does not make it any less bullshit. 5 billion non-christians on the planet would agree that christianity is nonsensical garbage. :| Grow up

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In his misspent youth, my husband enjoyed vandalizing wikipedia with his buddies. Some of their edits stayed up for weeks. For instance, for a certain period of time Francis Scott Key's entry stated that he was strangled to death by a man named Barry Herman.


I've made "corrections" to wiki's myself.  Mainly to those of the Jesuit high school that was my high school's rival. 

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