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God Bless Christopher Hitchens ;-)


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Let's talk fact.


It's a well known fact that Christopher Hitchens' shot down every single person that debated religion with him. We're talking big figures including Desmond Tutu, Anne Widdecombe and Tony Blair. Not ordinary people like me and you. He won debates against academics, professors, chief rabbis, priests, pro religious authors, YOU KNOW IT's TRUE :-)


He Hitch slapped every single rebuttal from the religious. FACT


There's a reason for this and that reason is that Christopher Hitchens was right. Put 100 reasonably intelligent priests in a room with him, give them google and all the verses and books they wanted and still Mr Hitchens would win the debate.


If there's any one here that has any form of doubts about their religion then they should check out Hitchens on you tube. Go on, do it now.


If you don't believe what he says then you should admit one thing at least. He is far more intelligent that any religious person can be lmao.



Edited by Quinn
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Feel better now? I'm somewhat confused about the purpose of your angry sounding rants.

Actually, some people think he lost a few debates. There is plenty of criticism of your hero out there.

Your definitions of "fact" (and "theory" for that matter) are a little off.

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Lol well actually I'm falling madly and deeply in love and couldn't be any happier right now. Had the best love filled weekend ever.


I don't see any anger in my post and if there was how could you tell. Isn't that being judgemental and personal lmao I'm so glad not all religious peeps are so provocative, The only thing someone should take from the feelings behind that post (if you can take feelings from a post) is admiration for one of the most inspirational characters of late. Did the post stir up any anger in you then??


Show me one debate about religion he lost. ANYONE?

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Just one?


*Tumbleweed rolls past*


Someone's impatient. It's been like 30 seconds. Maybe everyone is too distracted by your smexy hairy chest. Or maybe everyone's tired of your disrespect.

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Oh dear oh dear. I only state that I believe it to be a fact that Christopher Hitchens is the bestest ever. Then some religious poster gets personal and tries, unsuccessfully, to provoke a reaction from me by geting personal. And you have the liberty to call me disrespectful. That's rich and tbh I wasn't expecting anything else from a forum like this.

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How sad. How very very sad. Angry rants indeed.


Maybe next time instead of being personal by derailing the thread and making it about someone's apparent anger, they should answer the question. If you can't then move onto a post you can answer to with respect and humility.


Thought about any debates that Hitchens lost yet. Thought not.


Am I angry. Not a fecking chance lol

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Wah wah. Right, because saying your "god" Hitchens is "far more intelligent than that any religious person can be lmao" is a beautiful demonstration in kindness, respect, and love.

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Btw... I don't know any of you to say I do or don't love you, respect you but if you show me kind replies (like delivery boy) then I will show you my kindness and respect in return.


The thing I will never love or respect though is your damn religion

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You are convinced by Hitchens so you feel that he won all his arguments.


I'm not and I don't. Your opinion on his merits isn't some objective gauge. There are also atheists out there who don't find his approach and style to be very convincing.


I don't deify religious people in the way that you deify Hitchens, so him being in a debate with people like Desmond Tutu doesn't impress me all that much - Tutu is as ordinary as any of us are (and Tutu himself would be the first to admit it).


But yes, God bless him. I pray for him.


(And by the way, I find atheists who are convinced that all I need is to be pointed to the YouTube of Christopher Hitchens to be remarkably similar to certain evangelicals who feel that I just need to read one more tract or attend one more Bible study in order to see that they're right. Your ideology might be different but your attitude and approach to others is identical.)

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I said he was the bestest ever and that he won all his debates. By winning I mean all his "opponents" were left with a dumb silly quizzical look on their once smug faces . Didn't say he was god did I.

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