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Why Are Atheists So Obsessed With Christians?


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I can understand your anger, or opinion because you assume I should hold all human life as sacred.
I support people's choice to have abortions. If you think this stance makes me "despicable and vile" then you must consider that the majority of society are pro choice thus you must think the majority of society to be "dispicable and vile"


As I don't believe morality is determined by majority vote, whether or not the majority of society is "pro-choice" is irrelevant to me.

Yes, societies through history have accepted many things that are vile and immoral.


And yes, I'll say it again, the idea that it is acceptable to murder helpless and innocent human beings is indeed utterly despicable, vile, and cowardly.

If it isn't, then I truly don't know what is.


(I'll give you credit for being straightforward and honest about that belief, though, unlike most "choicers," who hide behind euphemisms and endlessly tap-dance around the issue.)



Yes, I am unashamedly selfish. I want a safe and stable society, I don't want to oppress people and thus create conflict and instability. In my selfish stance, I mind my own business. I don't take it upon myself to "save" other people from themselves. I don't look to force my beliefs on others.
I am a very tolerant person and recognise and cherish the diversity of beliefs, lack of beliefs cultures and viewpoints we have within society. I do not want everyone to conform to my viewpoint, but I certainly don't want to be forced to conform with someone else's viewpoint.



So you place a "stable society" (however one chooses to define that) above human life itself (which apparently holds no value to you).  Interesting.  I'm sure most of the world's murderous dictators would agree with you on that point.

A society which murders children certainly can't be considered safe for them.


And there's certainly nothing less tolerant than killing a person.

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Only the first Matrix movie was good. The sequels were terrible.

Agreed, the premise was "Once you know you are the one, you won't need to fight"

But then...
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I think some are obsessed with discussing it because they are still children of God.  Even if they don't realize it.


Of course every atheist has already left this conversation.

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The U.S. military has a problem  with atheists

apparently, the Marine Corps thinks a "lack or loss of spiritual faith" could be dangerous

When an active-duty Marine was given a Marine Corps training document describing "potential risk indicators" commanders should look for to prevent loss of life among service members, he found one checkbox that didn't seem to fit. Among warning signs like substance abuse and prior suicide attempts was "lack or loss of spiritual faith."

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