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Why Are Atheists So Obsessed With Christians?


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What I find most perplexing about the atheist position is that the search for ultimate truth is focused on a purely material explanation of the world, which with no irony is then argued in the realm of ideas– a place not of substance and measurement, but of phantoms and dreams.

Where is the scale upon which I can weigh the logic of an argument? Or the surface potential microscope that can observe the breathtaking beauty of a formula? Even if these are phenomena inexorably emerging from the structure of objective, quantifiable reality– they still are quasi-hallucinatory ephemera which exist on a level different than that of the mere physical. And so then, how is pure reason any less superstitious and outrageous than a supernatural God? Is not thought itself the very substance of angels?


Even numbers, those logical bulwarks of the rational mind, trail off into absurdity at the ends, dissolving into the twin mysteries of the infinitely large and the infinitely small. Why does the circumference of a circle generate a never-ending quagmire when divided by its diameter? Why is an incorporeal God so hard to swallow, when ordinary, sensible things make up such a small subset of our existence, which is daily filled with patriotism and love and longing and anguish and pride and sorrow and joy?


Focusing on the improbability of the Big Mystery, atheism misses the innumerable little mysteries which are taken credulously at face value. It is a bigger leap from a bag of amino-acid rich waters to Christopher Hitchens, than it is from Christopher Hitchens to God.


I suspect that the true proof that God exists is the very fact that the question can be posited at all.

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Very good point, but I dont think the current atheists we have on our forums will be up to the challenge of deciphering what you said in a logical way. It will be brushed off and scoffed because (and Im being a objective as possible) they dont seem like they have good intentions or any desire to try and have open and understanding communication with what they see as their opponents. 

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more accurate to say that why are (some) atheists obsessed with christians. many atheists (or agnostics) in real life that i know don't care about christianity and won't discuss it. in australia, we don't bring up religion outside of certain contexts.


anyway, some atheists are cool. nietzsche makes me a better christian.

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Let's see, I don't go around knocking on people's doors spreading the good news of Darwin, I don't claim moral superiority because I believe in invisible people, I don't try to push dogmas into legislation to dictate other people's lives or lifestyles, I don't tell other people they are going to be tortured for eternity if they don't believe as I do, in fact the only time I ever converse about religion is on the internet,...I do live in the bible belt, so it's shoved in my face on a daily basis.

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My question to members of this forum is, Do you believe in other gods, and if not, then why? and please refrain from addressing YOUR god, I'm not asking anything about the deity you do believe in, just the other gods.

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so why do you talk about religion on the internet?


maybe you should talk more about religion with people face to face.

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more accurate to say that why are (some) atheists obsessed with christians. many atheists (or agnostics) in real life that i know don't care about christianity and won't discuss it. in australia, we don't bring up religion outside of certain contexts.


anyway, some atheists are cool. nietzsche makes me a better christian.




But that was too long...

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Let's see, I don't go around knocking on people's doors spreading the good news of Darwin, I don't claim moral superiority because I believe in invisible people, I don't try to push dogmas into legislation to dictate other people's lives or lifestyles, I don't tell other people they are going to be tortured for eternity if they don't believe as I do, in fact the only time I ever converse about religion is on the internet,...I do live in the bible belt, so it's shoved in my face on a daily basis.


Yes I understand you don't believe people have souls so you don't see the need in helping save souls. But... why are you here? Why?

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Yes I understand you don't believe people have souls so you don't see the need in helping save souls. But... why are you here? Why?

was I mistaken or is the title of this particular forum we are posting in not called "debate table"?

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was I mistaken or is the title of this particular forum we are posting in not called "debate table"?


Yes, and this topic in the debate table is about why some atheists are as concerned as they are about Christians, why do they seek out Christians, why do they have such interest in Christians? Admittedly the title is an attention grabber, but the topic is as previously stated.


So why are you here, and why do you seek out Christians online? What compels you do to so? What is your reasoning?

Edited by KnightofChrist
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Yes, and this topic in the debate table is about why some atheists are as concerned as they are about Christians, why do they seek out Christians, why do they have such interest in Christians? Admittedly the title is an attention grabber, but the topic is as previously stated.


So why are you here, and why do you seek out Christians online? What compels you do to so? What is your reason

I consider religion a mental disease, I can put it in a way you might relate with, it's akin to "hate the sin not the sinner".  Religion can make good people do bad things,  why are Christians the only ones allowed to prosthelytize? Surely if I can begrudgingly tolerate it, so can you...

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I consider religion a mental disease, I can put it in a way you might relate with, it's akin to "hate the sin not the sinner".  Religion can make good people do bad things,  why are Christians the only ones allowed to prosthelytize? Surely if I can begrudgingly tolerate it, so can you...

I see, and do you also copy Christians by trying to 'convert' members of religious groups? Such as Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Rastafarians, etc? Or are Christians your main focus? If you do have you told Muslims that they have a mental disease?
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I see, and do you also copy Christians by trying to 'convert' members of religious groups? Such as Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Rastafarians, etc? Or are Christians your main focus? If you do have you told Muslims that they have a mental disease?

In my opinion Muslim doctrines are worse than Christian doctrines, though they are both cut from the same cloth, ALL religions fall under the banner of mental disease. and yes I have conversed with those of the Muslim persuasion and stated the same sentiment..

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In my opinion Muslim doctrines are worse than Christian doctrines, though they are both cut from the same cloth, ALL religions fall under the banner of mental disease. and yes I have conversed with those of the Muslim persuasion and stated the same sentiment..

What makes you anyway qualified to diagnose persons of faith with a mental disease?
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