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Why Are Atheists So Obsessed With Christians?


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seems pretty obvious to me. they want to make sure they aren't wrong, for one. another is that most people are Christian or believe in God, so they want a way to respond to them. kinda like how catholics sometimes get hung up on protestants and or apologetics etc. another is I would guess a lot of atheists are only in name only, as they grew up religious orsomething, or have a chip on their shouldars, or reject something they perceive wrongly, to be wrong with the religion. I always said there's a lot to be said about the idea 'there are no atheists in foxholes' even if it's not completely true.

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They're hipsters, of course. They want to make sure no Christians actually desert their faith and become Atheists, because once everyone is doing it, it won't be cool anymore. So they come here and engage in discussion troll so that we all become more set in our ways and their hipster lifestyle will be preserved.

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because atheism is a religion and they want converts.  they will deny its a religion but they are wrong.

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if you don't count miracles an the weak atheist response, which might be viewed as a reasonable approach, I would say itS going too far to call atheism a religion.


which is said well here...


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Basilisa Marie

Because they're desperate for validation. Picking on weaker people makes them feel all warm and fuzzy inside.  

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@ KnightpfChrist.... Being Christian is one of the most obsessive things ever. Looks like you've got all dressed up for your religion, that's obsessive. The things I'm obsessed with are spending quality time with my gal, fresh air and green fields, reading, finding causes to support, music and film, aviation and board games.


I do get what your driving at though. I guess I'm here talking to Catholics so I can add my voice. If I get a single PM from only one of your theist members saying they converted because of a post I made then job done :)


@ Havok

If atheism is a religion then bald is a hair colour

If atheism is a religion then off is a TV channel

If atheism is a religion then silence is a religion

If atheism is a religion then barefoot is a shoe

If atheism is a religion then nowhere is a place

If atheism is a religion then never is a date


Do you get it yet? It's not rocket science!!

Edited by Quinn
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I'm in an unusal situation, because I am in the process of becoming Catholic and I have an atheist fiance.  To cut if off before anyone feels compelled to start, *yes* I have a pretty good idea of many of the difficulties involved with this, and my obligations as the soon-to-be-Catholic spouse, and you probably think it is a terrible idea etc. and so forth.  (He also hears, from some of his atheist friends, that he needs to drop my crazy booty like a hot potato and look for someone with sense, but he's about as interested in hearing it as I am).


He talks about religion a lot, and here are some of the reasons:


- He, like certain other atheists, grew up in a highly religious family, and went to private religious primary schools and university, so most of his friends and the vast majority of his family are religious, and assorted gatherings are steeped in the topic of religion.


-He is an atheist with a deep interest in philosophy and a very logical mind, and was raised in a Protestant tradition where apologetics and "rational belief" was the expected.  When some of the more ridiculous arguments for faith fell through, he didn't have any kind of a non-debate-oriented faith foundation to fall back on, any kind of inner mystical relationship with Christ like the kind I have, any kind of "interior life."  That kind of thinking is foreign to him.  Because of these things, he has a special love for shredding really bad apologetics arguments, having spirited debates about the better logical religious arguments, and trying to figure out people like me who have a more unreasoned faith.


- He is attending RCIA with me and discusses religion with me in particular because he loves me, it's important to me, and he needs to know what he's getting in to, as do I.  Marriage requires extreme transparency.  He also discusses religion with his friends and family, because all strong relationships include discussion of things that are important to one or both parties.


-I get that there are atheist internet trolls who like to pick on weaker people and so on, but there are Christians and Catholic Christians who do that, too.  Atheists don't own trolling.  If my fiance showed up here, it wouldn't be to troll, but he might seem beligerent to some people because he honestly has a lot of trouble thinking like a religious person.


-Because he loves Truth, I am hopeful that he will come to the Church.  He knows I have this hope, just as he also knows that I don't have the expectation that he'll convert.  Conversion is an inner journey and not something you do for any reason other than you truly believe something, or else you're going to have a bad time.  Interestingly enough, he doesn't want me to stop believing, because although he seems to view my religious orientation as some strange hybrid of a quirk and a thought disorder, he admits that I find joy and peace there and wishes he had those things, too.


Religion is pretty interesting.  I think that discussion of why we believe what we believe can be fruitful and help further understanding, if not agreement.  Most of the atheists I know try very hard to stay educated, so why wouldn't they want to discuss something that most of the human race has in common?  I don't think that widespread atheism is a very viable option for the life I want to live or the society I want, but atheists themselves embody the full range of positive and negative human qualities.

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Basilisa Marie

@ Basilisa... How can you validate what I'm saying (or vice versa) coz I'm athiest and your misguided


Sorry, I was unclear. 


The breed of atheists that usually enjoys stirring up anger and frustration in religious groups tends to do it because it makes that breed of atheists feel strong and powerful. Smugly taunting others usually makes them feel vindicated.  Harassing those with weaker rhetorical skills or belittling open-hearted, sincere faith usually makes them feel like they've won.  


You see, that particular breed of atheist needs to feel strong, powerful, and superior because deep down inside that particular breed of atheist is not much more than a loose collective of degenerate blowhards parroting whatever is said by their favorite famous pop-culture philosopher.  They generally lack substance of character. If they had substantial character, they wouldn't need to harass other people who are different.


Validation happens when the results of their activities makes them feel good, and those good feelings encourage them to continue with said activities. 

And just so we're clear, I'm not talking about you or me.  


I'm just talking about a particularly nasty breed of atheists.  

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Well I think what you meant to say is I'm desperate for acceptance. Not validation. I don't wish to be accepted by anyone apart from the people I converse with in the real world, off the internet. I certainly wouldn't want to be accepted by the devout religious "breed".....


I've actually been fairly polite in all my posts if you have a look yet a select few here have been very rude, personal and idiotic. If you don't wish to see atheists on your site willing to have a bit of light banter and debate without being rude and obnoxious then take the 'Atheist' option off the drop down menu when you select your religion. Or is this to try and get atheists to see their non belief as a belief.

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Well I think what you meant to say is I'm desperate for acceptance. Not validation. I don't wish to be accepted by anyone apart from the people I converse with in the real world, off the internet. I certainly wouldn't want to be accepted by the devout religious "breed".....

I've actually been fairly polite in all my posts if you have a look yet a select few here have been very rude, personal and idiotic. If you don't wish to see atheists on your site willing to have a bit of light banter and debate without being rude and obnoxious then take the 'Atheist' option off the drop down menu when you select your religion. Or is this to try and get atheists to see their non belief as a belief.

Now that's an interesting statement. How is your non-belief in God not a belief? You believe something, you just don't believe in God.
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I believe that there is fish in a can of tuna. Yes it's a belief but it's not a belief system. There's a massive difference between a belief and a religion (a belief system)

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