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Is Religion On A Downward Slippery Slope


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I more meant an apocalyptic scenario where people are struggling for survival and electricity isn't exactly available.  In that situation...the internet dies off, at least in those areas.  I wasn't suggesting someone would nuke the servers ;)!


But anyway, I'll let you continue your conversations with the others.  I don't want to gang up on you, and this thread wasn't originally about the durability of the internet, but rather about the durability of organized religion moving into the future.  And, yeah, I think most of the major world religions are pretty durable.  There are some that might be in danger of dying out or shrinking, but mostly something like Shintoism that is more or less only practiced in Japan.  Depends on the future of Japanese culture and whether or not they choose to preserve their traditional religion moving forwards.  But Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism?  Nah, I don't see these dying out any time soon.  Maybe in certain places, but not worldwide.   

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Can't speak for generic "religion," but given what I see on teh interwebz, atheism certainly seems to be in a downward spiral.  


Once upon a time, atheists actually attempted to use rational argument.

Now it seems we mostly get an incoherent hodge-podge of accusations, ad hominem attacks, ludicrously bad misinformation, and conspiracy theories.



The popular charge that "religion is responsible for the world's violence" and claims that atheism will make the world a peaceful place are particularly inane, given that atheistic Communist regimes manage to be responsible for the murders and oppression of far more people (estimated 70-100 million persons murdered in less than 100 years) than any other regimes in history - all without benefit of belief in God.

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