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Is Religion On A Downward Slippery Slope


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Newspapers are the worst source of information to be honest. They're all owned by the same corporation, even Al Jazeera. The only true journalism is investigative journalism and thanks to the internet it's on the rise. It's on the rise very quickly indeed. Woohoo. The internet is now the best source of information but only if you research over and over again and sift through the BS. I have looked at hundreds of sources of information and they all share wikis' view. In fact, the whole idea of wiki is to share ideas. It's technically a closed think tank. Think tanks normally drive to the real truth that newspapers have skewed and hidden from the general public..


I've also acquired a bit of knowledge through my career. First in publications, then as a voluntary cameraman and then when I worked alongside the 16th air assault here in the U.K. All my friends share my views and it's not hard to find out what's really going on when you look in the right places and talk to the right people.


Wiki has hit the nail on the head with that and if you don't believe me then look at the links further. It's real history not the mad ramblings of a bored 12 year old internet troll.


ps. I've found the bold button :)



lol ok then......Shh


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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

The biblical definition of religion is to minister the widow and orphan, feed and clothe the poor. Whats wrong with that quinn? And as far as i'm aware most christians are also interested in science to some degree, it is a compulsory subject in catholic schools of Australia. But the media i do not like when it proclaims a scientific discovery as a scientific proof when it is only in it's testing phase and not proven to be 100% fact. There are many so called scientific truths sold as facts that are scientific theory,there is a difference, even evolution of man from an ape still has to many missing links and can't be proven without a doubt, yet many believe it to be fact. But i guess everyone needs something to believe in, even athiests. 



Onwards christian souls.

Jesus is Lord.


JC "seek and you will find."


P.s. I'm not against science and i'm a christian catholic, science is always seeking the origin of things, the truth about many things, i just don't like theory being sold as the truth before it is proven.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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How can theory be sold as truth when it's theory. Look up the definition of theory. I do get what your saying though but he or she would be a very poor scientist if they call a theory a fact. If a scientist puts forward a theory then says this is the Truth, period, then he or she is normally ridiculed.


You mention Australia. Yeh, that covers the whole population then does it? lmao


As for the biblical definition of Religion. Are you talking for all religion. Even Islam?


Have you heard about those ancient Byzantine codices that were found hidden in the vaults of st catherine's mount sinai. The British library held a discussion that they go a long way to prove that Christianity, Judaism and Islam is all of the same religion.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

The media does the selling and the people be doing the believing. So you believe in science, this is ok, nothing intrinsically wrong with that. What else do you believe in ? Do you believe in faithfulness between family,friends and/or partner, do you believe in hope, and do you believe in love(even if you just love the sunset or the stars.) ? 

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I believe in being honest with oneself, and also with kith and kin. Nothing to do with being religious.


I believe science ( not theory) 100% whereas you very likely believe and trust in science to bring you your weather reports. To keep you entertained. To keep you and your family healthy. To bring down the price of your food. To keep you driving your car. To improve the standard of your living. To take you to foreign lands. To enable you to see things the micro and macro.


Problem in ALL you theist trust in science everyday in everything you do but when it comes to the existence of god then science can go burn in hell.


Kind of childish, warped and hypocritical don't you think?

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

ok believing in honesty is a good thing. One thing I've learnt personally, is that honesty doesn't always make me right, even though i practice honesty.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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Going back to the OP it is very hard to figure out if religion will survive. But I do know the internet will always be around and it seems to me that wherever you look online religion is bashed and ridiculed and exposed. Logic will prevail and hopefully organised religion will fade away to nothing more than a group of old men sitting in a cave, warming their hands around a camp fire, trying to figure out what went wrong.

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The strongest religion in the world is currently Statism. I think it will survive many years.



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I'm sure the american congress is 99% full of religious types statists so I also believe America isn't a true democratic society. 



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Q: Is religion on a downward slippery slope?


A: Not as long as there's gents like you willing to perpetuate conversation on religion.


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A new golden age is coming. Maybe not in our life time but it is coming all the same. Religion is on the way out. I don't care

what statistics may say because statistics can be made to prove anything. I see the spread of atheism all around me.


Hello Quinn, thanks for joining Phatmass and discussing your views with us. :)


But in regards to the statement I quoted above I found an article about the recent World Youth Day in Rio that I thought was related.




 An estimated 3 million people poured onto the beach for the final Mass of Pope Francis’ historic trip to his home continent, cheering the first Latin American pope in one of the biggest turnouts for a papal Mass in recent history.


I believe that the youth of the world are definitely listening to what all sides have to say because they have to make a choice for themselves. I dont however believe that it is our right to rid the world of either opinion. 

You stated in your original post that you believed religion creates conflict. Are you willing to create conflict and wars in order to get rid of religion?


I might not agree with your stance on a lot of issues from what I have read, but I do not wish ill on any Atheists. I wish that Atheists could return the same courtesy to Christians, and honestly, a lot of them do. :)

I have a very close friend who is atheist and does not act in the same abrasive way that I have noticed from your posts. I dont mean it in a rude way, it has just been my observation.

Even with no provocation, your original post in this thread was very abrasive.

It is very disheartening to see the level of resentment  from anyone. Whether its resentment of christians towards atheists or resentment of atheists towards christians. 


We can coexist. And while you might not agree with that, I wish no ill on anyone. I only request that I am allowed to believe what I believe without fear, judgment, or condemnation. That goes for everyone.  :bananarap:

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Going back to the OP it is very hard to figure out if religion will survive. But I do know the internet will always be around and it seems to me that wherever you look online religion is bashed and ridiculed and exposed. Logic will prevail and hopefully organised religion will fade away to nothing more than a group of old men sitting in a cave, warming their hands around a camp fire, trying to figure out what went wrong.



so your evidence is because people bash religion on the internet fro their parents basement.  Wow, intelligent.  People bash religion on the internet for the same reason they advocate how to rape/abuse women(facebook pages) or all kinds of other things.  Cause its the cowards way.  Its cowardly to sit behind a computer and bash something when you would be to afraid to say something to someone's face.  People will never go on the news and say its great that women are abused and raped and they deserve it.  Cause then we would put a face with their claims.  Although when someone sits behind a computer and can stay unknown they will say anything because they won't be found out.  Its cowardly. 


This is really common sense. I thought you would know this about the internet. 

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