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Is Religion On A Downward Slippery Slope


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Christopher Hitchens must have been one of the wisest guys I have ever listenend to. He shot down in flames hundreds of religious
speakers, academics and leaders. I don't know anyone that actually won an argument against him. And I think the main reason for this is
that he didn't get bogged down in verse. He saw things for how they were, with real life experience in the field, he could strip away the
complications and ambiguity that religion brings.
It's people like him and his other three horsemen that helped bring together atheists both on and offline.
The truth is religion creates a hell of a lot of conflict in the world. It causes wars and famines and segragation. Deep down I
think we all know this. We also know that either god doesn't exist or there's a very very slim chance he does.
A new golden age is coming. Maybe not in our life time but it is coming all the same. Religion is on the way out. I don't care
what statistics may say because statistics can be made to prove anything. I see the spread of atheism all around me.
The younger generation is wising up thankfully.
They have seen the problems in the middle east and the wars in Afghanistan/Iraq.
They know the Islamic world is in turmoil with the divisions between Sunni and Shia.
They clearly see how religion interferes in state affairs and pushes
it's own twisted and hateful agenda onto the gullable, the weak and the needy.
The only things a true atheist needs is an open mind, happiness of having a free thinking mind, an interest in science.and empathy.
Religion is going to hell. The sooner the better.
What are your views on the future of religion. Will it survive another thousand years, assuming the planet earth does that is.
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Even your boy Sam Harris believes in spirtuality...He's not convinced there is just the here and now...Although he doesn't believe in religion and the gods of religion...

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We need a massive jobs program around the slogan "End Death by 2016." That'll get things moving.

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People have been trying to get rid of Catholicism since its existence... so many have died for the faith... But its still here, and very strong... 3 million attended the Popes final mass at WYD... millions still have faith... but some peoples hearts are very hardened and can't see the way, truth, and light, that is Christ... All in all, I would be worried if Religion wasn't under pressure... Christ be with us... 


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Vincent Vega


Religion is going to hell. The sooner the better.
What are your views on the future of religion. Will it survive another thousand years, assuming the planet earth does that is.


I think the world needs religion -- not for the same reason(/s) that many here would, mind you -- and in fact think that every individual, Christian, Atheist, or otherwise, ought to attend a spiritual service of some kind on a regular basis. For this reason, it is my sincere hope that religion will survive. If I have time later, I will expand on this.

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If you get rid of the terrible religions in the world people will just fight about something else. 

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What are your views on the future of religion. Will it survive another thousand years, assuming the planet earth does that is.



Yes, I think it likely.  While atheism (and other forms of distancing oneself from traditional, institutionalized religions) has been gaining much traction in the West (by which I mean the USA, Canada, and Western Europe), it is hard to see these things 'taking off' in other places.  Particularly in the poorer south (or 3rd world as some people designate it), suggestions of such things are often met by horror or confusion.  In fact, some people are unable to even comprehend what it would mean not to have a religion, and so they equate atheists with Satanists with the understanding that such people must belong to a 'bad' religion rather than no religion at all.


Now it is true that Western culture is exported to the rest of the world.  Everyone watches movies made in the US and drinks Coke and wears blue jeans.  These things are quite ubiquitous.  (I mean, there are exceptions, but in general...quite common and accepted.)  Western ideas are met with a mixture of acceptance and rejection.  Some of our ideas are welcomed as progressive, so some elements of the culture support them and encourage the people of their own country to adapt them - this could be the gov't, the educated and wealthy members of society, or celebrities, depending (again) on who we're talking about.  But oftentimes other countries remain sharply critical of some Western ideas, and I have to say that complete secularism seems to be one of them.  People in many other parts of the world look down on this as not only negative, but potentially downright evil or something to be scorned.  


Not that the West is the only place where you will find advocates of atheism (or movement away from religion).  Communist China is its own world, and rightfully should be considered separately from the West.  There are a lot of people in China, and generalizing about all of them would make me look like an idiot, so I won't.  Suffice it to say that there are a lot of people with religious beliefs there, and while the gov't is certainly interested in cracking down on certain religious groups, it has not made wiping out all religion a national goal.  


So, while religion may be seen as less popular within some demographics, I wouldn't say that it is likely to die out in the next millennium, no.  Long term trends (and 1,000 years is a long time!) depend less on individuals (however brilliant or well-spoken) and more on how a society transmits ideas/norms/views to the next generation.  The family, the school structure, the institutions, the gov't -- all of these make a difference in the direction and continuation of society, culture and civilization itself.  Certainly, religions will change over the course of a millennium.  But I don't think they'll go away, no.

Edited by MithLuin
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So is there an actual argument here, or just a standard-issue atheist rant?



Communism did its best to get rid of religion, and we all know what a paradise those Commie countries are.



And, I could care less about generic "religion," but the Church of Christ will last until the end of time.  Jesus doesn't lie.

Besides, people have been predicting the death of religion for a couple centuries now.


What's with the influx of all the atheist noobs?

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Delivery Boy.... Spirituality isn't really very clear about what it is. Surely it's different for every person. I know if I was laying in the countryside and looking up at the stars I would feel very spiritual , but only spiritual by other peoples defnition. I may say I feel euphoric or alive or at one with the spinning universe. The word spiritual, more so in the way it is used, is very ambiguous. To me it means nothing. But I guess some people would describe the feeling I describe as "Being at one with the spinning universe", as a spiritual moment. Some Bhudists, and Yogis may describe their meditations as spiritual but I would describe it as 'practiced peace'. Sit there long enough in a quiet mood and in a quiet place and clearing your head is actually something anyone can do but it has nothing to do with being spiritual or soothing ones spirit!! But that's my viewpoint.


So in answer to your reply, how do you know what Sam Harris actually meant.


You've certainly made me think though and thanks for the input everyone


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Perhaps religion will become a more private thing over time. I don't mind so much if religion survives (Although I won't be around to witness it) but what riles me up is the way organised religion interferes in government affairs.


The U.K. where I live is described as a secular democracy but to be honest it's far from it. How can it be when the head of the state (The Queen) is also supreme governor of the church of england. Its a conflict of interest and to me it is a theocracy in disguise.


I'm sure the american congress is 99% full of religious types so I also believe America isn't a true democratic society. The day when all churches stop interfering in politics will be the day that many atheist stop complaining to the theists.


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Sam Harris actually says he believes in spirtuality....He thinks its one of the most important things in life...This is from a speach he gave to a church...I listened to it on youtube along with other stuff of his...I like the guy...I don't agree with him on much but I think he makes valid points and he seems like a nice guy....If *spirtuality* does exist though (like you say its hard to define what that exactly means) then I think that goes a long way to supporting the idea that a creator may exist...If this was all by chanch and we can from nothing I don't think there would even be a "spirtuality"....And then you have conscience which cannot be explained...I get the gripes with religion and the idea of hell for eternity...That's why new age spirtuality is so popular because hell and sin aren't a problem....You can do whatever you want as long as you aren't to bad of a person and don't kill anyone...But the fact is most people believe in a Higher Power of some sort...And I think its not wishfull thinking but people coming to realise the spirtual aspects of life that are seperate from the phsyical world and knowing a Creator most likely exist...

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IMaybe Sam Harris was using that word on purpose. Maybe he wants to steer away from religion en masse. In my opinion if the spirit, or soul, or ghost did exist it would be as the discharged electric in our brain making it's way back to the IRON core of the earth. The earth is one big spinning electrical generator. Within a spiral arm of an even bigger body of gasses, rock and other crap we can't explain.


But religion and bibles and sermons aren't interested in science. Science holds the key.


I am agnostic about all things apart from god. I'm 99.999999% sure he,she or it doesn't exist. The other 0.000001& is just me being drunk.

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