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Pray For The New Guys, Please


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Let's use this thread to share news about news guys (including females - my sisters use "guys" with each other, so I don't consider it to be gender specific) in any order, monastery, etc. 


I'll start. 


1. St. Louis Abbey - Four postulants entered in Summer '13. Video introductions (+ out takes)at.    http://www.stlouisabbey.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=121&Itemid=57



2. St. Mary;s Abbey, NH - Scroll down to the entry for July 10th, 2013 - The Day of Three novices: http://brotherisaac.wordpress.com/



3. Subiaco Abbey - Not quite as recent - February '13 - One novice and two temporary professions: http://www.countrymonks.us/news-new-monks-new-names/



4. St. Anselm's Abbey, Washington, DC - Three novices progressing toward temporary vows (probably in October '13): http://www.stanselms.org/homilies/2013/2013July.php#1



If you know any prayers, say 'em for these guys' perseverance. Per favore!


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I know the Dominican Province Central Province has 6 men in pre-novitiate right now (they started Sunday).

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Mount Angel Abbey in Oregon just welcomed five postulants.  In 2012 there were three professions, but I couldn't find anything yet for this year.

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LilSis - I went to the Mount Angel website when I first posted this thread, but I couldn't find any vocation news. You're a great vocational investigative reporter!

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Thanks, Luigi.  I think I came across a brand new post.


And one more, hot off the press today -

Franciscan Brothers of Peace, St. Paul MN : two new postulants, four novices, and one perpetual profession in a few weeks.

Now they need another house!

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It looks like the English Benedictines in the USA are doing very well - fantastic!


The English Benedictines in St. Louis are doing very well. Their website has link called The Monks; within that, each monk has an entry with a little background information about himself. It takes some time, but you can read through and develop a chronology of vocations. There's another link called What Our Juniors Are Up To - some of those guys have taken permanent vows, I think, but they're still studying - for priesthood or whatever. And they're all over the map - Rome, England, Washington, Georgia.



The English Benedictines in Washington, DC (at St. Anselm's Abbey) are doing reasonably well. I think they have three men in formation. http://www.stanselms.org/ (See News Updates, July 3, 2013)


The English Benedictines in Portsmouth, RI (Rhode Island) are not doing at all well. There are perhaps six monks, the youngest of whome is probably in his sixties. http://www.portsmouthabbeymonastery.org/

Edited by Luigi
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Oh, thanks Luigi - that's very interesting indeed. The EBC over here are having mixed luck but aren't doing too badly overall; Belmont has a few Juniors and perhaps a Novice or two, I believe Buckfast has a Novice, Ealing and Ampleforth have a couple of Juniors each and Downside has one, with a couple of people enquiring... (and one applicant ;) )

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The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas has 12 entering the Seminary this fall.

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Two postulants and a novice at the Covington (Luisiana) Carmel in May, 2013.


Give 'em some prayer props.

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