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Benedictine Monks - Weekend Vocation Retreats


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VOCATIONS: Weekend Monastic Vocations Retreat
  • 05:00 PM

Our Weekend Vocation Retreat is held the first weekend of each month and is available for single Catholic men between the ages of 20-50 who are discerning the possibility of a vocation to monastic life. You would arrive on Friday evening and begin the weekend with prayers with the monks.  You would finish on Sunday afternoon at 3:00 pm.  You will eat, pray, work and live with the monks over two nights and two days.  There is no cost for this weekend.  If you are interested and would like more information, then simply contact Fr. Elijah at the phone and email addresses listed below.

We are 40 Benedictine monks living in Subiaco, Arkansas, USA. We follow the 1,500 year old Rule as written by our holy father St. Benedict. This Rule and monastic way of life flow from the ancient biblical model of Christian discipleship as found in Acts 2:42-47 and Acts 4:32-35. Our balanced life of prayer and work (known as "Ora et Labora") has existed in Arkansas since our founding in 1878. Feel free to join us for our communal prayers that are spoken and chanted five times each day in our Abbey


Father Elijah Owens, OSB

Email: Vocations@subi.org
Cell or Text: 479.438.9115
Skype: FrElijahOwensOSB

Brother Francis Kirchner, OSB
Email: Vocations@subi.org
Cell or Text: 479.438.5585
Skype: BrFrancisKirchnerOSB


Subiaco Abbey
405 North Subiaco Avenue
Subiaco, AR, USA 72865
Phone: 479.934.1000
Fax: 479.934.4328

For retreats, contact:
Carol Geels
Phone: 479.934.4411
Email: cgeels@subi.org

For media inquiries, contact:
Br. Ephrem O'Bryan, OSB
Public Information Coordinator
Phone: 479.934.1022
Cell: 470.438.4833
Email: brephrem@subi.org



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