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Worst Gay Argument Ever


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Consists of an Aussie politician poorly arguing against gay marriage using the Bible, an openly gay bishop giving a crazy twist on the scripture to make Christianity compatible with an openly gay lifestyle, and Lawrence Krauss interrupting every 4 minutes to make irrelevant arguments. 

Edited by CatholicsAreKewl
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Hold on let me call work and let them know I won't be in today I have an hour long YouTube video to watch.

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Woah, I was excited to watch it till it was an hour long! Eek! I cant do that while Im at work haha!

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If it makes it any better, I'm only referring to the first 35 minutes. 

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I cant justify spending 35 minutes watching a non work related video while at work either. :(

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"gayest gay argument ever" would have also worked, but then it'd appear to a truism, but really a play on different type of 'gay'.



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  • 3 weeks later...
Spem in alium

Q&A is generally interesting, but most of this is pretty dumb. Who is this Lawrence Krauss guy? And don't even get me started on Fred Nile.


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Or this one.


"Its beyond the environment!"



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Spem in alium

Or this one.



I love these guys! Thanks for sharing :)

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