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A Discalced Carmelite Jackpot! Over 100 Videos


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Happy Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel to all on VS!


I somehow stumbled upon the website for the OCD nuns at Campo Grande in Valladolid, Spain. Here is the link for their web site:



AND they have a youtube site with MANY, MANY very recently uploaded videos, including reflections, music, and professions and clothings



The most recent "Toma de Habito" shows the clothing of Hna. Cristina- it looks to me like their postulants (and they have 3, and 4 white veiled novices) wear the habit tunic with a white collar for the postulancy and no head covering of any type. They do not do the bridal gown thing for clothing and they get the leather belt and rosary, tocqua and veil and scapular at clothing. Also, it seems they get their religious name upon  entrance to postulancy, rather than at clothing.


This community is getting new vocations, and is sharing their life visibly with young women and it seems to be bearing fruit in vocations for them.  Surely they follow 1991 constitutions since the 1990 ones emphasize hiddenness more than this visible Internet presence and their welcome of young women to visit them would tolerate, but wear they wear full traditional habit and the nuns' choir has a grille. They do come in to the church for ceremonies (professions and clothings) as the liturgical rubrics permit.


I do not understand Spanish and Google translate is no help because of its errors... but their joy and loving sense of community comes through beautifully!  IMHO, St Teresa of Avila would feel right at home among them!





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Praised be Jesus Christ! This is the Carmel Sr. Magdalena of the Eucharist was in ~ http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/topic/88350-sr-magdalena-of-the-eucharist-ocd/


They did a video on her too :heart:




I've been following them for a while and noticed all the new developments. They have a twitter, https://twitter.com/CVallad & Facebook account now too, https://www.facebook.com/carmelitasva


They recently switched to the 1991s and are still listed as 1990 on the official OCD site. For sure they are 1991 now, as also in one of their videos of a Solemn Profession, they used the vow formula in the 1991s which is different from the 90s. Here our gracian has posted them (1990s on bottom) - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/thereligioushabit/message/5672?o=1&d=-1  They also switched to giving the black veil at First Profession, which I have never seen in an OCD Carmel before, whether full or modified veils. Then at Solemn Profession they give a ring instead, which is not an OCD custom though there are a few Carmels out there now that do this too. But yes, I agree that they look to be a very joyful and loving community!


I remember seeing several articles from a couple years ago that they were in a very difficult financial situation, because they were unable to find anyone to purchase their former monastery which was extremely old and deteriorating. I believe it was turned into a museum now. If I'm remembering correctly, they moved to their new place in 2005 around. So to raise funds they produced two albums of their original music and I believe it was from that they starting making the videos and made other changes to their life and switched to the 1991s. 


a couple of the old articles, http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=es&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eleconomista.es%2Feconomia%2Fnoticias%2F2368518%2F08%2F10%2FLas-carmelitas-de-Valladolid-cerca-del-embargo-por-la-crisis-inmobiliaria.html  &  http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=es&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hazteoir.org%2Fnoticia%2Fsuscripcion-en-ayuda-carmelitas-descalzas-19518&act=url


one of their original songs, I believe this is Mother Olga singing ~ Solo Tu Jesús :heart:







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also, I really love this new video of theirs... Jesus & women :heart:



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