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Making Sense Of Uncleanliness In The Bible



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leviticus 15

1 The Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘When any man has an unusual bodily discharge, such a discharge is unclean.


19 â€œâ€˜When a woman has her regular flow of blood, the impurity of her monthly period will last seven days, and anyone who touches her will be unclean till evening.



please explain the why's and why not's etc

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it's not even that im trying to make fun of christians. i myself am a christian. i just think these types of verses should make us question the credibility of the bible. it doesn 't have to all be one hundred percent true, for chrisitani ty itself to be true. we shouldnt be so quick to shun or cast out or whatever, others, or their ideas, just because they choose not to take it all one hundred percent. we cannot say we are always right, or at the top sh*t in all this. that is true humility, adminitting uncertainties etc.

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it's not even that im trying to make fun of christians. i myself am a christian. i just think these types of verses should make us question the credibility of the bible. it doesn 't have to all be one hundred percent true, for chrisitani ty itself to be true. we shouldnt be so quick to shun or cast out or whatever, others, or their ideas, just because they choose not to take it all one hundred percent. we cannot say we are always right, or at the top sh*t in all this. that is true humility, adminitting uncertainties etc.



this takes the cake as one of the worst statements you have made.  so true humility is admitting your religion is wrong.  here's my advice, stop starting new topics because your thoughts are getting crazier and crazier.

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the fact that the bible says the LORD said stuff, like a woman's period makes her unclearn, and that the situation is to be remedied by doves and other novelties.... is ridiculous.


it's not like i'm saying we must admit we are wrong, and not that we shouldn't defer to the bible, usually, cause we should. all i'm sayijng is we should be mroe understanding of others if they aren't so deferential. it's not like we should be happy with nonchrsitans, or differing christians, its that we should be understanding, that is humility. we shouldnt be understanding so much of nonchristians, but at least that there would be a variet of beliefs, and who are we to act out against others when our basis of authority also says ridiciouslous things about women's periods and doves?


everyone here should be quick to admit the ridiculous nature of it. instead there is an erry silence, and lots of ratinoalization ans stretching of things if anyone says anything. this is childish, and extremely lacking in courage to stand against something seen as so authoritative in your religion and among your own people.

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the fact that the bible says the LORD said stuff, like a woman's period makes her unclearn, and that the situation is to be remedied by doves and other novelties.... is ridiculous.


it's not like i'm saying we must admit we are wrong, and not that we shouldn't defer to the bible, usually, cause we should. all i'm sayijng is we should be mroe understanding of others if they aren't so deferential. it's not like we should be happy with nonchrsitans, or differing christians, its that we should be understanding, that is humility. we shouldnt be understanding so much of nonchristians, but at least that there would be a variet of beliefs, and who are we to act out against others when our basis of authority also says ridiciouslous things about women's periods and doves?


everyone here should be quick to admit the ridiculous nature of it. instead there is an erry silence, and lots of ratinoalization ans stretching of things if anyone says anything. this is childish, and extremely lacking in courage to stand against something seen as so authoritative in your religion and among your own people.



anything God decrees is not ridiculous.  if there is a problem, its on your end not God's. 

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I agree its ridiculous...It is what it is...I don't blame an atheist,agnostic,or non christian to think its ridiculous also...I think there are other verses that are just as questionable...What does it mean ? Who knows...So again I guess it is what it is...

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I think you should love people with Christ love and do things to lift them up and not bring them down. I think this is what the Lord says. I think the jews might have got some things mixed up...It is what it is...It doesn't make or break my faith...If Traditioknal sspx types start burning people at the stake who have questions and a little doubt about some parts of the Bible I will cross that bridge when the time comes...Until then it is what it is...Love people and try to be Holy...And don't try to pick apart the Bible or it might ruin your faith...

Edited by Guest
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the fact that the bible says the LORD said stuff, like a woman's period makes her unclearn, and that the situation is to be remedied by doves and other novelties.... is ridiculous.

There are lots and lots of ridiculous things in the bible.


I presume most Christians interprete them away. I doubt many people are killing pigeons and turtles in order to atone for having a period.

Not many people go around killing people for working on Saturday or Sunday or for adultery or for homosexuality. Not many Christians advocate that a rape victim ought to marry her rapist.


I'm very thankful that most Christians don't read the bible literally.

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Basilisa Marie

Okay, there's a HUGE PROBLEM with the way you're thinking about uncleanliness in the bible.  It doesn't doesn't mean what you think it means.


The Ancient Jews believed that there were two plains of reality, the natural and the supernatural.  Certain activities pertained the natural realm, and the supernatural realm.  Whenever you engaged in an activity that crossed from one realm into the other, you became unclean, because the boundary got "mixed up."  So, example.  Something like burying the dead was considered a sacred, supernatural activity, so when you performed the ritual to bury the dead, you crossed over the boundary.  That's why, for example, the people were so worried about getting Jesus in the tomb before the Sabbath began, because of the supernatural boundaries, and why they came back afterward to finish the ritual (and saw he was gone!).   Giving birth was something else that was considered holy, sacred, boundary-crossing, etc.  Which is why women had to be "cleansed" before they came into the temple - it "unconfuses" the boundaries.  Mary wasn't dirty and needed "cleaning," she was engaged in sacred activities. :)  


SO to address the Leviticus passages, the reason why they're unclean was that a woman's period and a man's semen were considered sacred elements of the creation of new life (they didn't EXACTLY have a great understanding of biological reproduction), so the "discharge" of those elements made those people "unclean" because they crossed sacred boundaries.  


It's NOT about being dirty or gross or bad.  It's about engaging in sacred, holy activities that interact in a special way with the divine, with God.  

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