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What Would You Write On A Pro Life Banner?

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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I think she means those who would procure an abortion.


And, i think it is rather genius.


Perhaps if the pro life movement spent as much time and energy into real emotional, spiritual, and fiscal help/support as they do making those beautifully graphic mangled baby posters and 'don't kill your kid' slogans; perhaps we could see and really understand that the additional person who is killed (figuratively) in abortion is the mother (and in some instances, the father as well).   Perhaps Fran's slogan gets to the heart of the matter; to overcome the fear of being pregnant with love..to sow hope where only hopelessness can be felt.  


Love is not in pictures of decapitated babies with their arms torn out of their sockets.... Love is an active assertion of the will.  it is 'here, let me help you'.  "i've been there, try this... it seems hard now, but I will help".. We all seem to want to wear the cool t-shirts and wave the nifty signs (and that is a good thing) and we all like to pray outside an abortion mill (and that too is a great thing)...but if we only say 'Go in peace, be warm and well fed" and do nothing for their needs, what good is it?


I think Fran's slogan at least attempts a 'let me help' -type attitude..and that's why i think it's cool.

Props x1000000

Women who get abortions are, for the most part, scared and confused. Scared of how people will react, how they will be judged and vilified. Scared of how their partner or family will react. Scared because they don't know they're going to be able to care for a child on their own. Confused about what their options really are. Confused as to how they feel. They don't feel like they have any other choice. Those feelings can lead even the pro-life to consider abortion.


Teaching women that they do have other options and support them is, IMO, the most helpful thing we can do - for both mothers and their children. So if you want a slogan, choose one that reminds people of that. 

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When a man and a woman love each other very much...


1 + 1 = 3  (Granted, probably people would just go "lulz, stupid Pro-lifers can't add".)


You have other options than pills or surgery.


I think she means those who would procure an abortion.


And, i think it is rather genius.


Perhaps if the pro life movement spent as much time and energy into real emotional, spiritual, and fiscal help/support as they do making those beautifully graphic mangled baby posters and 'don't kill your kid' slogans; perhaps we could see and really understand that the additional person who is killed (figuratively) in abortion is the mother (and in some instances, the father as well).   Perhaps Fran's slogan gets to the heart of the matter; to overcome the fear of being pregnant with love..to sow hope where only hopelessness can be felt.  


Love is not in pictures of decapitated babies with their arms torn out of their sockets.... Love is an active assertion of the will.  it is 'here, let me help you'.  "i've been there, try this... it seems hard now, but I will help".. We all seem to want to wear the cool t-shirts and wave the nifty signs (and that is a good thing) and we all like to pray outside an abortion mill (and that too is a great thing)...but if we only say 'Go in peace, be warm and well fed" and do nothing for their needs, what good is it?


I think Fran's slogan at least attempts a 'let me help' -type attitude..and that's why i think it's cool.


Dude, amen to this.  In Pittsburgh, I felt really ill at ease being next to the dismemberment photos of the other group.  



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When you ban delete my brilliant quip about how God is the only abortionist who works with Catholicisms moral approval (sometimes known as miscarriages) you're not punishing me but, rather, the people.

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I think she means those who would procure an abortion.


And, i think it is rather genius.


Perhaps if the pro life movement spent as much time and energy into real emotional, spiritual, and fiscal help/support as they do making those beautifully graphic mangled baby posters and 'don't kill your kid' slogans; perhaps we could see and really understand that the additional person who is killed (figuratively) in abortion is the mother (and in some instances, the father as well).   Perhaps Fran's slogan gets to the heart of the matter; to overcome the fear of being pregnant with love..to sow hope where only hopelessness can be felt.  


Love is not in pictures of decapitated babies with their arms torn out of their sockets.... Love is an active assertion of the will.  it is 'here, let me help you'.  "i've been there, try this... it seems hard now, but I will help".. We all seem to want to wear the cool t-shirts and wave the nifty signs (and that is a good thing) and we all like to pray outside an abortion mill (and that too is a great thing)...but if we only say 'Go in peace, be warm and well fed" and do nothing for their needs, what good is it?


I think Fran's slogan at least attempts a 'let me help' -type attitude..and that's why i think it's cool.


Unconditional love for the mother of the unborn child, and avoiding personal judgement are good, but any pro-life slogan which makes no mention of the life of the unborn child in the womb is, I would argue, incomplete and lacking.  


It's all well to talk of not judging a woman wanting to get an abortion, but what about the unborn baby who's judged not worthy to live, and condemned to be torn limb-from-limb or burned to death, etc. simply for the "crime" of an inconvenient existence?


While it's not our place to judge individual souls, if we care about all innocent life, we must judge the act of abortion itself to be morally wrong.  If we avoid this entire issue, there's really no logical reason to consider ourselves "pro-life." 

If killing an unborn child is a perfectly acceptable and legitimate (if unfortunate) choice, then why not just be "pro-choice"?  

After all, the majority of "pro-choicers" would also say they love pregnant women, and that they should not be judged for their choice whether or not to have an abortion.


I think a more complete slogan would be the old "Love them both" (with a picture of mother and baby).  Or  "Love and let live"  (a classic from the '70s)


Love and charity is necessary, but true charity does not neglect truth or justice.



Also, as one who's closely known active pro-lifers my entire life, all I can say that is if you think pro-lifers do nothing but make mangled baby posters, you have little knowledge or experience of the pro-life movement.  

Most of the people I've known who have been seriously involved in helping pregnant women with crisis or difficult pregnancies, and attending to their physical as well as spiritual and emotional needs are active and strong pro-lifers opposed to legalized abortion.


Charity and truth and justice are not mutually exclusive.

While I'm sure we all could be doing more, i'm getting utterly sick of seeing pro-lifers as a group being falsely characterized as hateful or callous people.

Those who always preach "not judging" seem extremely quick to judge pro-lifers and others they may disagree with politically.

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"Consider the implications of this fact: When the word became flesh God was an embryo."

"If you were born after 1973, you are a survivor."




I was born in 1973!!!!


But in Canada... :unsure: 



Does that still count?


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When you ban delete my brilliant quip about how God is the only abortionist who works with Catholicisms moral approval (sometimes known as miscarriages) you're not punishing me but, rather, the people.

Pretty nice BS Hasan...


Almost cute...





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When you ban delete my brilliant quip about how God is the only abortionist who works with Catholicisms moral approval (sometimes known as miscarriages) you're not punishing me but, rather, the people.

Surprised to see you write "abortionist" as I've recently learned it to be politically incorrect.

I see what you were getting at, but technically, unintended abortions are had at the hands of medical professionals all the time AND approved by the Church. One of those "if it saves the mom and kills the baby as a consequence, so be it" things.
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When you ban delete my brilliant quip about how God is the only abortionist who works with Catholicisms moral approval (sometimes known as miscarriages) you're not punishing me but, rather, the people.



 God allows bad things to happen, if you haven't noticed. However, he doesn't cause them to happen. Abortion whether intentional or not is not ordained by God. Give that to the people, comrade.

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"If we all have the right to control our bodies, why then do we deny this control to the unborn?" "Would you still fight for her choice, if her choice was against you?"  As for images, I think graphic ones should not be used as much, many people are often deeply disturbed by them, but it still doesn't change their minds. They have a time and place. Some of the more effective ones I have seen show images of premature babies with slogans that highlight how it is legal to abort a child at this developmental state, or highlight the lies that a baby at x weeks is a 'blob of cells'. I saw one of a child born at 20 weeks, a state which is legal to abort in many places in the world. When you can actually see how fully formed and living a child is at these states of their lives, you begin to think twice about the propaganda that young babies do not even look human and thus are not human. Also with any good pro-life debate and support, we must remember to support child support and parental support programs; I have come across too many pro-choicers who refuse to change their stance solely based on pro-lifer's seeming to be more 'pre-birth' then 'pre-life'. Not all abortions are performed by women who simply do not want a baby for selfish reasons, many are performed because they do not feel they have any support systems or options to them (as in child-support, social services, adoption agencies, etc.). So an important strategy would be to encourage social services to support families, start our own programs, and to donate money and goods to programs already in place. Maybe everytime we make a sign or share an image, we should also act on our beliefs and help out the programs who seek to help those facing the dilemma of an unexpected pregnancy. A good idea my parish had was to throw a 'pro-life baby shower', money and baby/child clothing and supplies were donated to the church who in turn gave them out to crisis-pregnancy programs and women shelters. 

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I was born at 21 weeks gestation after my mother impaled my twin sister with a knitting needle (my twin did not survive), and caused herself an almost fatal haemorrhage This was in 1952 in the UK.


I can't imagine how desperate my mum must have been to do this to us and to herself. I know she had post partum depression/psychosis with both her previous (full term) pregnancies.


I am in some medical history book somewhere as the earliest surviving foetus born at that hospital for that year. My only physical legacy is that I am blind in my left eye.


So.....I abide by the church's teaching, but my feelings about this are very mixed. I do not want any prospective mother to ever have to face the choice my mother thought she faced and to have to cope with the fall out from her action that day. The emotional impact on our relationship has been profound and disturbing to both of us.While I admit that support services are much better, and there is now treatment (if you can get it) for PPP, it is IMO too little too late in lots of cases.


I agree wholeheartedly with MKolbe, and pray often for those caught up in this whole situation.

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