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What Catholics Need Now: A Letter To Our Priests And Bishops


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In the interest of full-disclosure, I would like to mention that I posted the following content on another Catholic forum, almost an hour ago, and when
I went to check on my thread, found that it had been pulled. I did not receive a subsequent warning or message from the moderator explaining the reason(s). I posted on a Catholic forum because I wanted to reach a Catholic audience, and that is one of the best ways of doing so in a timely fashion.


I invite you all to read this excellent article, openly addressed to priests and bishops, reminding them that they are to be our shepherds, and that the time of comfortable Catholicism which they have enabled and wrought is over.


I know as a Catholic layperson I’ve got to step up my game. And I’m willing to do that. Again, whatever the cost.

But you’ve got to step up your game too.

By that I mean no disrespect. As priests and bishops you bear a tremendous burden. I don’t envy you that, and I know many of you are carrying that burden heroically.

But many of you aren’t. You’ve been weak. You’ve been cowardly. You’ve made compromises and led people astray. Souls are perishing because of that. A culture is perishing because of that. And it’s got to stop. You have been ordained as priests of God Most High, Christ’s representatives on earth. You’ve got to act like it. We don’t just need our spiritual fathers standing shoulder to shoulder with us in this fight for souls. We need you leading us into the breach.


Change won’t be easy. Uncomfortable discussions will have to take place. Feelings will get hurt. Jobs will be lost. Lawsuits will be filed. But that’s still better than a whole culture going to Hell and your own personal swimming match with a millstone.


As I wrote in a comment on the webpage itself, this letter has great potential. We can print and send it out to every bishop and parish priest. But that is not all; besides, not every letter would be received by its designated bishop. They will be intercepted at diocesan offices, an only Our Lord knows what will happen if they land in the hands of those for whom the letter is a threat. We can print copies and give them to people on the street. We can upload Youtube videos, individually, reading/reciting the content of the letter, in affirmation, as a signature of agreement. If our leaders will not listen to us any other way, then we must make noise, and lots of it. "But the secular media might pick up on it", some might say. Good! They would not be bringing attention to dissenters of the faith, but to RECLAIMERS of the faith!

"Who is going to save our Church?  Not our Bishops, not our priests and religious.  It is up to the people.  You have the minds, the eyes, the ears to save the Church.  Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops like bishops and your religious act like religious."

- Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen



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Hello everybody!!!

Are you ready for the battle?! The whole world is transformed in a holy shower!! We have to do now!!! We have to be dangers and dragons!!! We have to be strong!! God is coming soon!!! We alle have to do the will of god!!! 

All angels and christians and the priesterhood!! You have to handle and cooperate right now!!! You are the one who fights against the dark dragon!!! God is with us and Mary too!!! God is near!! Jesus is alife in your heart, if you pray hard and give confession(for Human and Humanangels) and go to the holy mess!!! Jesus loves us so much!!! Why do you stay not calm!!! He is the one who protect us against the evil!!! The evil will not longer exist!!! Because we are the heros of Now!!! Why are you lose trust!!! You have to follow him!! That`s an order or you will be nothing any long!!! We are the one the army of god!!! You "the armed angels" we have to protect the humans, who loves our lord so much!!! We have to handle now!!!! NOw!!! NOw!!!!!!!!!!! NOW!!!NOW!!!








Are you ready??? Then listen to me!!! It belong to our heart if jesus the right way we go!! It`s not only a decision it is true love!!!

God is not far away!! He wants to help you!!! He wants to protect you!!! He wants to love you!!! He wants to haunt you!!! You are his baby!!! So we have to be messengers now!!! 

Are you ready for the battle!!! Fight with me!!!

God bless you all!!!! my little kids and sheeps!!! and angels!!! Return now!!! You have the chance to go to heaven to return at home!!!

I am the mysterielegend!!! You have to follow me!!! That`s an order!!!

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What Catholics need now is an official reinstatement of the Templar Knights and the Knights of Saint John with the armor and everything. That would attract men back to the Church.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Young men and women of GOD rise UP ! You may be the only gospel some will ever read.

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