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Moral Implications Of Marrying My Brother


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What if me and my brother decided to go to a state where same-sex marriage was legal, and get a civil marriage--to make a political statement and get involved with any legal ramifications that would incur?


Would this be immoral?

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I think it'd be impossible as most states, to my understanding, have anti-incest laws or some such nonsense. I think you'd have to marry your third cousin in most places. Or something like that.

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I think it'd be impossible as most states, to my understanding, have anti-incest laws or some such nonsense. I think you'd have to marry your third cousin in most places. Or something like that.


I am not talking about sex, I am talking about marriage.

Does the law state that marriage must include sex?

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My 5th or so cousin was hot....I was attracted....Can't lie....


What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, including incestuous attraction.

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I am not talking about sex, I am talking about marriage.
Does the law state that marriage must include sex?

I didn't mean to imply sex, I just couldn't think of the word they use in these laws. Most states have laws preventing you from marrying family until it hits a certain number of relative separations. (I'm having trouble articulating.)

Like, in some states I think it's illegal to marry your first cousin but your second cousin is fair game. Make sense?
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Basilisa Marie

I don't think it would be an effective form of protest.  The people you're trying to change would ignore it, or dismiss it.  

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If marriage has nothing to do with procreation and children, and "gay marriage" is a-ok, then there's absolutely no logical reason to ban "gay marriage" between brothers.


Any laws forbidding it must be dismissed as hateful bigotry.

Edited by Socrates
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The laws against incestuous marriages are there to prevent the various birth defects associated with incest. Since that is not an issue with gay marriage there is no reason for that law to apply to gays. The incest laws would then only apply to straight marriages. This then  creates a "separate but equal" situation, so once challenged, all that would need to be done to strike down incest laws would be to invoke the precedent of Brown v. B.o.E., Topeka, KS that the doctrine of "separate but equal" is inherently unequal and bing-bang-boom, no more incest laws across the country. Or at least in states that recognize gay marriage. 


We'll get you and your brother married, dUSt, no worries!

Edited by GeorgiiMichael
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Basilisa Marie

The laws against incestuous marriages are there to prevent the various birth defects associated with incest. Since that is not an issue with gay marriage there is no reason for that law to apply to gays. The incest laws would then only apply to straight marriages. This then  creates a "separate but equal" situation, so once challenged, all that would need to be done to strike down incest laws would be to invoke the precedent of Brown v. B.o.E., Topeka, KS that the doctrine of "separate but equal" is inherently unequal and bing-bang-boom, no more incest laws across the country. Or at least in states that recognize gay marriage. 


We'll get you and your brother married, dUSt, no worries!


:hehe2:  That's clever.

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A few years ago, in a state where it's legal, a couple of normal guys tried to get married to each other because they wanted to take advantage of the medical benefits or something.  I forget the specifics.  The deviants were predictably outraged and eventually shamed them into abandoning the plan.  Perhaps one of the consequences of disordered sex is cognitive dissonance? 


I say, the more these people are mocked the better.  Go for it.

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Nihil Obstat

A few years ago, in a state where it's legal, a couple of normal guys tried to get married to each other because they wanted to take advantage of the medical benefits or something.  I forget the specifics.  The deviants were predictably outraged and eventually shamed them into abandoning the plan.  Perhaps one of the consequences of disordered sex is cognitive dissonance? 
I say, the more these people are mocked the better.  Go for it.

But they wanted to marry for love too. Love of money, that is.
Is their love not equal to the homosexual's erotic 'love'?? :sad: WHEN WILL JUSTICE BE SERVED?


Speaking of which, I want to enter into a civil partnership with my money in order to enjoy tax breaks and special rights arising therefrom. Someone should get on making this a reality.

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