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John Xxii And Paul Vi

Paladin D

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[quote]Catholic positions that agree with American conservatives, ignoring the death penalty and social justice, that's probably the influence of Pope John Paul II and the conservative Cardinals who elected him. John XXIII and Paul VI were more concerned about socioeconomic reform and practices. John XXIII especially made many steps in the right direction, but unfortunately, was cut down all too soon.[/quote]

This is a quote from someone on another forum, whom the topic is about the Catholic Church denying communion to those who support homosexual marriage and abortion. Some are wondering why the same isn't being done with some other issues.

My question is this... is this statement true?

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John XXIII and Paul VI were more concerned with socioeconomic reform and practices? Well, they may have been concerned about them, but to say they put that above traditional moral teachings is ludicrous. I mean, Vatican II never changed any of the Church's teachings, not even moral teachings, although a lot of heterodox "Catholics" would like to think otherwise.

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I'm sorry, does this imply that JPII doesn't care about socioeconomic matters?

Umm... ever read [i]Centesimus Annus[/i], [i]Solicitudo Rei Socialis[/i], [i]Laborem Exercens[/i], [i]Ecclesia in America[/i]?

John Paul II is known as one of the most socially conscious Popes since Leo XIII.

John Paul II has also caught a lot of flak for his position against the death penalty in the vast majority of cases.

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Not to take anything away from any Pope when i say this is that different times, different popes, different worries. Some pope are worried about different things then others and thats okay there is a lot wrong with our world. I dont think that either pope neglected a certain aspect or anything of that sort rather he was just more adament about another. Nothing wrong in that.

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