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I don't understand. From what I can see, the bill is only requiring basic medical practices to be done correctly, safely, and cleanly. Why would anyone oppose that? Like, I know it'll shut down a lot of abortion clinics, but shouldn't even pro-choice people want them shut down if they're dangerous to the women going there?

:idontknow:  :crazy:

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I don't understand. From what I can see, the bill is only requiring basic medical practices to be done correctly, safely, and cleanly. Why would anyone oppose that? Like, I know it'll shut down a lot of abortion clinics, but shouldn't even pro-choice people want them shut down if they're dangerous to the women going there?

:idontknow:  :crazy:


That right there is common sense, see.  If pro-choicers had any, they'd be pro-life.   :doh:

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I don't understand. From what I can see, the bill is only requiring basic medical practices to be done correctly, safely, and cleanly. Why would anyone oppose that? Like, I know it'll shut down a lot of abortion clinics, but shouldn't even pro-choice people want them shut down if they're dangerous to the women going there?

:idontknow:  :crazy:




Their mantra of "safe, legal, and rare" is now just "legal." 




"Abortion on demand and without apology!!!" Even if it might give you a nasty uterine perforation or infection from unsterile abortion instruments. As long as you get your abortion, then the world is right. 

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Pray a rosary today and offer your prayers for our Texas Senators. Pray that they will do the right thing and PASS Senate Bill 5, which will protect women and unborn babies in our beloved state!!!

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St. Gabriel, if it is God's will, turn you focus towards the Texas senate today. Just as you made Zechariah mute when he did not trust the grace of unborn life, please also make Senator Wendy Davis mute as she tries to filibuster the abortion limiting bill. Let the world know that a voice against God is a voice destined to fail. 

[And the angel said to him in reply, "I am Gabriel, who stand before God. I was sent to speak to you and to announce to you this good news. But now you will be speechless and unable to talk until the day these things take place, because you did not believe my words, which will be fulfilled at their proper time." 
-Luke 1:19-20]


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St. Gabriel, if it is God's will, turn you focus towards the Texas senate today. Just as you made Zechariah mute when he did not trust the grace of unborn life, please also make Senator Wendy Davis mute as she tries to filibuster the abortion limiting bill. Let the world know that a voice against God is a voice destined to fail. 

[And the angel said to him in reply, "I am Gabriel, who stand before God. I was sent to speak to you and to announce to you this good news. But now you will be speechless and unable to talk until the day these things take place, because you did not believe my words, which will be fulfilled at their proper time." 
-Luke 1:19-20]


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Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood and daughter of the late Gov. Ann Richards, welcomed pro-aborts outside the entrance to the Senate Gallery.


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