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Need Documents That Liken Religious Orders/houses To Families


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From any reputable source. Anyone got references?


Even the smallest reference in an autobiography, Vatican document, Catholic book, order/house website, etc., will do!

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http://www.ihmwestfield.com/ then click on "A Special kind of Family"


I don't know if this is the type of thing your looking for, but I just read it today, so here it is.


That is very helpful, inperpetuity. I can use that one. Thank you!


Does anyone else know of any others?

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Sr Mary Catharine OP

I think most constitutions have some sort of reference.Ours say, "The nuns form one family in Christ and all have equal canonical status". (LCM 172 II)
From the Fundamental Constitution of the Order: "The Dominican family is composed of clerical and cooperator brothers, nuns, sisters, members of secular institutes and fraternities of priests and laity...." (IX)


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I think most constitutions have some sort of reference.Ours say, "The nuns form one family in Christ and all have equal canonical status". (LCM 172 II)
From the Fundamental Constitution of the Order: "The Dominican family is composed of clerical and cooperator brothers, nuns, sisters, members of secular institutes and fraternities of priests and laity...." (IX)


Oh, brilliant idea, Sr. Mary Catharine! Thank you SO MUCH!!! :-D

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