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Dawkins: 'being Raised Catholic Is Worse Than Child Abuse'


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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I don't like hell cats either. But I actually haven't met any hell cats, but am assured they exist.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I don't like hell cats(catholics) either. But I actually haven't met any hell cats on my journey, but am assured they exist. It is almost Legend among lapsed  Chrisitans that i have met in a.a and n.a. that there parents caused them to leave the church. Perhaps that's why they left, but what i would say to such a person is to be careful and not throw all your eggs in the same basket. My nana and pop and grandma and grandpa and mum and dad where never hell bent.


Onward christian souls.

Jesus is LORD.



P.s. It is a double post because for some reason there was a gliche that didn't allow me to edit the previous post.

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I was raised Catholic AND abused as a child (though the two were in no way related). I can definitively say that being abused for 7 years was much worse. I can also say, that had I not been Catholic, I'd probably be dead or at least in some mental institution. I am not exaggerating. 

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Also, the Church's teaching is that God is merciful and there are almost always circumstances that we do not have a clue about that play into the culpability of a person's actions. Therefore, his whole argument is moot. Since you know, teaching that someone is going to hell because he's a protestant is not, nor has it ever been, the church's teaching. 

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