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Dawkins: 'being Raised Catholic Is Worse Than Child Abuse'


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Dawkins really should stick to biology, though, and leave philosophy to philosophers. Alvin Plantinga, probably the most revered and respected Philosopher of Religion in the US, had this to say about The God Delusion:

"You might say that some of his forays into philosophy are at best sophomoric, but that would be unfair to sophomores; the fact is (grade inflation aside), many of his arguments would receive a failing grade in a sophomore philosophy class."


I enjoy Plantinga. He's an interesting guy.
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atheists types go after muslims too. just depends on the day, circumstances. 




I like how the zealotry is stacked by rank. The guy in the front is serious like KILL EVERYONE. Then the guy behind him is like WHAT HE SAID! And then the guy in the back kind of just got swept up in the moment and doesn't want to get killed himself so he joins in.

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The word "militant" does not mean the use of weapons to hurt people. The first adjectival definition on dictionary.com: "vigorously active and aggressive, especially in support of a cause: militant reformers."


Are Christian's ever refered to in this context? e.g. a Militant Christian because he/she aggresively criticised atheists?

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they're referred to that way all the time. there's plenty of blame and cricitism to go around. 

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Are Christian's ever refered to in this context? e.g. a Militant Christian because he/she aggresively criticised atheists?


Not that I can recall, but it would make sense and only be fair.

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they're referred to that way all the time. there's plenty of blame and cricitism to go around. 

I've heard the term but not specifically referring to Christians who are aggressive toward atheists. But maybe I just need to pay more attention.

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People can use anything as a weapon to abuse someone else with.  Catholicism is no exception. 

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The word "militant" does not mean the use of weapons to hurt people. The first adjectival definition on dictionary.com: "vigorously active and aggressive, especially in support of a cause: militant reformers."



Question: What is Militant Atheism? What is a Militant Atheist?

Answer: Militant atheism is a militant opposition to theism, theists, and religion. Militant atheism requires an extreme hostility towards religious theism that entails a desire to see religion suppressed by force. The label militant atheism is usually used pejoratively because it is not typically applied to atheists who do seek the forced suppression of religion or theism. Instead, religious apologists apply the label "militant" to atheism generally — or at least any atheism that isn't quiet, meek, and obsequious.

It has become common to accuse any outspoken, unapologetic atheism of being militant atheism, as if merely speaking one's mind was the same as being militant. Such accusations appear to have no purpose other than to discredit outspoken atheism and blunt criticism of theism or religion. No one accuses outspoken theism of being militant theism or outspoken Christianity of being militant Christianity.

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Before y'all get riled up, remember that this comes from the guy who says that an unborn human fetus is less human than a baby pig. 


So...yeah. Intelligence does not run high with this man.



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I like how the zealotry is stacked by rank. The guy in the front is serious like KILL EVERYONE. Then the guy behind him is like WHAT HE SAID! And then the guy in the back kind of just got swept up in the moment and doesn't want to get killed himself so he joins in.


For some reason, looking at the pic, all I can imagine the guy in the back thinking is, "Where's the cheese pizza?  I was told if I showed up for this protest there would be pizza in keeping with halal dietary conditions."

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P.S. Someone should report that guy for weasel words overload.

Edited by Laudate_Dominum
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Oh shat, the word 'weasel' could be taken as an insult. Bracing self for diatribe on the pejorative nature of 'weasel words' and the weak-minded intellectual dishonesty of those who use the term.

Edited by Laudate_Dominum
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