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Liberal Info Pictures Thread


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oh wait.

yes im actually an equal opportunity offender.


it's just more fun picking on conservatives. 

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There needs to be an entirely new forum for this. The Lame Board hasn't merited such a low-standard thread. However, the Debate Table has been a bit of a joke as of late...

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and yet Obama shows no signs of wanting to stop this war spending.  he's been in office how long and still spends crap loads on these wars.  kind of nice how democrats ignore that little fact.

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freedom to kill your unborn child?  cause liberals believe in freedom to kill babies before they are born.


free from prejudice... LOL!  liberals are some of the most racist and bigoted people ever.  if a black man is not a liberal then they attack him and use race against him.  liberals, most of all white liberals are really racist against white men.  they blame white men for all the problems in the world.  if your a Hispanic and conservative then your racially attacked.  if your a Christian who does not believe in gay marriage then they use bigioted talk against you.


overall liberals are some of the most racist and bigoted people in this country.  if you have any different point of view from them then their racism and bigiotry comes out.  they are only ok with freedom as long as you agree with them.

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what do you expect from the same lady who claims the church does not have a declarative statement on when life begins.

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just wondering then why when Obama had complete control of everything for 2 years did he not take care of this problem?  could be he just says stuff but doesn't mean it.... no way, couldn't be that.

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and yet Obama shows no signs of wanting to stop this war spending.  he's been in office how long and still spends croutons loads on these wars.  kind of nice how democrats ignore that little fact.


Your sports team only recently started acknowledging it.

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