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Unbelievable Confirmation Requirement


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My godmother just sent me this document. I think the pastor wrote it. Or at least he required it. Considering there were NO requirements for confirmation prior to this, this is pretty amazing.


QUESTIONS for Confirmation Candidates 2012-2013


The questions below are about the Catholic faith and church that we are asking you to answer.  They will help you feel confident in knowing the fundamental teachings of the Catholic Church and give you a sense of its history and your Christian and Catholic ancestry.  


Some resources that may be helpful in finding the answers are the Catechism of the Catholic Church, The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, The Bible and the parish bulletin, internet (www.catholic.org is good for info about particular saints), parish and diocesan websites.


We are asking that you answer them in your own handwriting, not by simply cutting and pasting the answers in a word document.  This will help assure that you learn and understand the answers to them.  You may work with other Confirmation Candidates in finding the answers as well as your parents and sponsors.  We will take time at the end of each session to discuss any of the questions.


Everyone will take a 10 question written test from these questions at our March session and your answers will be discussed at your required interview with your pastor in mid-late March.


The questions are due at the following classes:

**Nov. 15th—Questions 1 - 25

**Dec. 13th – Questions 26 - 50

**Jan.  17th—Questions 51 - 71

**Feb. 21st—Questions 72 - 92

**March 21st—93 – 112 and the test will be taken.


1) What is the weekend Mass schedule at our parish?


2) When are weekday Masses celebrated in our parish? 


3) When is the sacrament of reconciliation celebrated communally in our parish? When are there opportunities for the individual celebration of reconciliation (confession)? 


4) What is required in our parish to qualify as a lector at Mass? 


5) What is required in our parish and diocese to qualify as an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion? (Eucharistic minister)


6) Name the bishop(s) in our diocese. Where is his office? 


7) List at least five ministries in our parish and the work done by each. 


8) Name 5 lay persons who hold leadership positions in our parish, and position each holds. 


9) Write the Our Father. 


10) Write the Hail Mary. 


11) Write the Ten Commandments. 


12) What are the two "great commandments" that contain the whole law of God? (See Mk 12:28-31)


13) Who are the saints? What is their significance to Catholics?


14) Who decides who is a saint? 


15) Tell something significant about each of these great Christian leaders: Francis of Assisi, Thomas More, Dorothy Day, Teresa of Calcutta, Augustine, Thomas Merton 


16) Tell something significant about each of these great Christian leaders: Therese of Lisieux, Karl Rahner, Oscar Romero, Thomas Aquinas, Elizabeth Ann Seton,  Maximillian Kolbe 


17) What is the name or our diocesan newspaper?


18) When we make the Sign of the Cross, we say “In the name [singular] of the Father, and of the Son, of the Holy Spirit, ” does this mean that we believe in one God or in three?


19) What role does the Church play in your life right now?


20) What are the three theological virtues? 


21) What are the four cardinal virtues? 


22) What is the original meaning of the word catholic


23) What is the meaning of the word apostolic?


24) Name the 12 apostles. 


25) Write the eight beatitudes. (See Matthew 5) 


26) Explain the Catholic devotion called the stations of the cross. 


27) Define what a sacrament is, and list the seven sacraments.


28) Can a Catholic receive communion at a non-Catholic service? Can a non-Catholic receive communion at a Catholic Mass? 


29) Who can administer the sacrament of baptism? Who can be a sponsor at a Catholic baptism and what are the sponsor’s responsibilities?


30) What conditions must parents fulfill in order to have their child baptized? 


31) What is required for the worthy reception of confirmation? 


32) How is the sacrament of the anointing of the sick celebrated? 


33) When should the sacrament of anointing be received? 


34) What help does a sick person receive from the sacrament of anointing?  


35) What is required to receive holy orders in the Roman Catholic Church today? 


36) What special graces and powers does a priest receive through the sacrament of holy orders? 


37) How is the sacrament of holy orders administered? 


38) Priests in the Roman Catholic Church are required to take a vow of celibacy. What is the purpose of this law? When did the Church institute the requirement of celibacy in the priesthood?


39) Who administers the sacrament of matrimony?


40) What is required to receive the sacrament of matrimony worthily? 


41) Under what conditions might a priest refuse the sacrament of matrimony to a couple?


42) What is a marriage annulment? Under what conditions does the church grant an annulment?


43) What is the Catholic position on divorce and remarriage? How is divorce different from annulment? 


44) Give two common names for the sacrament of reconciliation. Give a step-by-step description of this sacrament.


45) What is meant by the seal of the confessional?


46) Who originated Eucharist? When? What does the word “eucharist” mean?


47) What is meant by the theological term transubstantiation


48) How should a person prepare to receive holy communion? What should one do after receiving? 


49) What are the two main parts of the Mass? What takes place during each? 


Put these parts of the Mass in order: 


Prayer over the gifts 


Great Amen


Communion rite

Holy, holy, holy

Our Father

Eucharistic prayer 

Entrance rite



50) Write the Nicene Creed. 


51) Why is it important to go to Mass?


52) Why is it important to pray?


53) Where do you find the letters INRI? What do they stand for?


54) What is the Rosary? Name: the five Joyful Mysteries, the five Sorrowful Mysteries, the five Glorious Mysteries, the five Luminous Mysteries


55) What is an ecumenical council? How many have there been in the history of the church?


56) When and where was Vatican Council II held? Who attended?


57) Name five changes that came about in the church as a result of Vatican Council II.


58) Who is our current pope? List the last five popes and the years of their papacy.


59) What is meant by the gift of infallibility given to the church? Under what conditions are the teachings of the pope considered infallible? 


60) What is meant by ecumenism?


61) Describe each of these church structures: archdiocese, college of cardinals, parish, diocese, deanery, pastoral council


62) Describe each of these roles or positions in the church: pope, priest, cardinal, bishop, transitional deacon, permanent deacon


63) What is the Bible and who wrote it? 


64) Name the Gospels.


65) In what three languages were the books of the Bible first written? 


66) Why is it obligatory for Catholics to attend Mass on Sunday?


67) Identify each of these Old Testament characters: Abraham, Joseph, Ruth, Isaac, David, Esther, Jacob, Rebecca, Jonah


68) Identify each of these Old Testament characters: Isaiah, Solomon, Moses, Jonathan, Jeremiah, Esau


69) Identify each of these New Testament characters: Simon Peter, Mary Magdalene, Nicodemus, Paul, Judas Iscariot


70) Identify each of these New Testament characters: John the Beloved, John the Baptist, Luke, Bartimaeus, Prodigal Son, Stephen


71) Define these biblical terms: Pentateuch, Yahweh, Psalm, Exodus, Pharisee, Sabbath


72) Name, in order, the liturgical seasons of the church and what color vestments are worn for each.


73) What is Lent and when is it celebrated? What special prayers and practices are associated with Lent? 


74) What is fasting? What is abstinence? What are the rules governing fasting and abstinence in our diocese? 


75) What is the Easter Triduum? What does each part of the Triduum celebrate?


76) Identify what each celebration below commemorates: Ash Wednesday, Easter, Pentecost, Advent, Christmas


77) What are holy days of obligation? List them and tell what each celebrates and when.


78) Name the smallest and oldest Army in the world that protects the Pope.


79) God’s self-disclosure and saving action throughout history is called ___________________.


80) What is a venial sin? a mortal sin?


81) What is the official teaching of the Catholic church concerning: birth control, premarital sex, homosexuality


82) What is the official teaching of the Catholic church concerning: abortion, euthanasia, death penalty, suicide


83) What is official teaching of the Catholic church concerning: war and military service (what is “just war”?), racism


84) What is the official teaching of the Catholic church concerning: drinking alcohol, using drugs, smoking cigarettes


85) What is a religious order?


86) What are the three vows taken by religious men and women? What does each vow mean? 


87) What is an angel? What 3 angels are named in the Bible, and what did they do?


88) Define: encyclical, grace, holy viaticum, paschal candle, communion of saints


89) Define: Emmanuel, schism, Vatican, chancery, miter, tabernacle 


90) Define: requiem Mass, nuptial Mass, sacramentals, Revelation, con-celebration 


91) What does the Catholic Church believe about Heaven?  Hell? Purgatory?


92) What does the Catholic Church believe about the salvation of non-Christians and people who have never heard of Jesus Christ?


93) Why and how do Catholics honor Mary?


94) What is the distinction between the virgin birth and the Immaculate Conception? 


95) What do we mean when we speak of the Incarnation?


96) Name the seven themes of Catholic social teaching.


97) Name the corporal and spiritual works of mercy?


98) Name the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. What are the seven fruits of the spirit?


99) What symbols are used in the Sacrament of Confirmation?


100) What do you receive in the Sacrament of Confirmation?


101) What was the purpose and meaning of Jesus’ Death and Resurrection?


102) What has been the most powerful or memorable experience of God in your life?


103) Describe a situation in your life when you felt the presence of the Holy Spirit.


104) What’s the difference between worshipping God in a church on Sunday, as part of a community (i.e., Mass), rather than just praying on your own at home?


105) What does it mean to say that the Eucharist is the Body and Blood of Christ?


106) How does receiving Holy Communion on Sunday affect how you live during the rest of the week?


107) Who is called to be holy, to be a saint?


108) What characterizes the life of a follower (disciple) of Jesus Christ?


109) Would you like to become a better disciple of Christ?


110) What is your favorite way of praying?


111) What effect does prayer have in your life?


112) What would you like to learn about prayer?


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That's amazing? 90% of that seems pretty basic to me. Aren't these kids supposed to be in the church for a couple of years already?

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That's amazing? 90% of that seems pretty basic to me. Aren't these kids supposed to be in the church for a couple of years already?


Yeah, it's sad. A kid that was in my small group for one of the confirmation retreats I staffed didn't know who Mary was.

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That's true. Considering most of these kids are in 8th grade. Hrm. Still, I don't see anything on there that I couldn't have reasonably learned at the time, excepting perhaps some of the more tricky stuff about history and about languages used in the bible.


Also, I note the absence of scoring. I think this kind of assignment is not meant to weed out kids who score badly. I think a good pastor would use this as a very powerful diagnostic tool to determine the state of catechesis at his parish.

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Well, it is a heck of a lot more than I had at that age. :sad:


That's true. Considering most of these kids are in 8th grade. Hrm. Still, I don't see anything on there that I couldn't have reasonably learned at the time, excepting perhaps some of the more tricky stuff about history and about languages used in the bible.


Also, I note the absence of scoring. I think this kind of assignment is not meant to weed out kids who score badly. I think a good pastor would use this as a very powerful diagnostic tool to determine the state of catechesis at his parish.


Chances are, they are not looking for big fancy answers for most of those.

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Up front the list is a good tool for catechesis for the sacrament of Confirmation, or any sacrament for that matter.


One issue that often weighs on me heavily is the catechesis for and administration of the sacraments of initiation for those who don't seem committed to their faith. This is especially difficult in the case of children of parents who don't give much visible evidence of faith. Situations can be very hard.


 Sometimes a kid admits that she doesn't care about being confirmed, and a conflict between the parents and the catechists and clergy erupts.


The Code of Canon Law states:



Can. 889 §1 Every baptised person who is not confirmed, and only such a person, is capable of receiving confirmation.


§2 Apart from the danger of death, to receive confirmation lawfully a person who has the use of reason must be suitably instructed, properly disposed and able to renew the baptismal promises.


Can. 890 The faithful are bound to receive this sacrament at the proper time. Parents and pastors of souls, especially parish priests, are to see that the faithful are properly instructed to receive the sacrament and come to it at the opportune time.


Can. 891 The sacrament of confirmation is to be conferred on the faithful at about the age of discretion, unless the Episcopal Conference has decided on a different age, or there is a danger of death or, in the judgement of the minister, a grave reason suggests otherwise.


We could discuss what suitably instructed means......These are ones that keep me up at night.


Pope Emeritus Benedict spoke a little bit on the question, back in 2008 albeit informally. .....


When I was young I was rather more severe. I said: the sacraments are the sacraments of the faith, and when the faith isn’t there, where there’s not practice of the faith, the sacraments can’t be conferred. When I was Archbishop of Munich I always discussed this with my pastors, and there too there were too factions, one severe and one more generous. I too in the course of time have realized that we have to follow instead the example of the Lord, who was very open also with the people who were at the margins of Israel at that time. He was a Lord of mercy, too open – according to many of the official authorities – with sinners, welcoming them or allowing himself to be welcomed by them at their dinners, drawing them to himself in his communion.


Full story here...http://whispersintheloggia.blogspot.com.au/2008/08/panzer-no-more.html


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Some of the questions seem unnecessary (I'm thinking like number 5), but the general questions on the Faith sound like a great idea.

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I think this is excellent. There are a couple of questions that I wouldn't include myself, but overall I think they're great and it's awe.some to see a priest so invested in good catechesis. 

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