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The Supreme Court And Abortion


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1337 k4th0l1x0r

[quote name='Carrie' date='Jun 1 2004, 12:26 PM'] At least with Bush in office, there is the chance of something being done about abortion. With Kerry in office, there's no chance of anything being done. [/quote]
In fact, with Kerry, look for things to get worse. Bush may not be able to get abortion outright outlawed, but he's at least keeping the situation from becoming worse. Kerry will probably increase funding for groups like Planned Parenthood and international popluation control groups. Having abortion declared as a basic human right very likely will become a key item on his agenda and protests of abortion could be restricted.

To really change the country, it's going to require more than a pro-life president. It requires pro-life legislators on the state and national levels who will not only vote for the outlaw of abortion, but also confirm pro-life judges and justices. It's scary how the checks and balances of our government are being hijacked. Legislators are blocking judicial branch appointments made by the executive branch. Activist judges are making legislation. :ph34r:

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It's a matter of Truth. I don't really agree with Bush on several things, but I will indeed vote for a President that is against abortion.

Also, the one thing that is killing our society is "catholics" who are false-prophets and misrepresent the Truth.

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[quote name='megamattman1' date='May 30 2004, 06:03 PM'] Unlike many here, I do not think voting for Kerry or a pro-abortion politician is necessarily a mortal sin. I believe it depends on the situation in general.

If Bush is elected and nothing changes, I'll be quite despaired. I don't know what I'll do the next election year if nothing happens. Then, Kerry will probably get elected and I'll probably spend my life voting on this one issue. Oh well...

BUSH for 2004!! [/quote]
This isn't our opinion. It's what the Church teaches. So what's going to come first -- God or your own feelings and opinions? The one is infallible; the other 2 are not.

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Mortal Sin-

- grave matter
- full knowledge
- deliberate consent

Grave matter- I think we all agree that abortion, the killing of innocent human beings, is a grave matter all right.

Full Knowledge - well...voting for someone who has made it clear that he/she supports the killing of unborn children...I think there is full knowledge of that. If you are Catholic, one of the first things you will probably consider when voting is the candidate's stance on abortion. I think there's full knowledge.

Deliberate consent- well, nobody is forcing you to vote for this candidate...you are doing it yourself, you chose to and you do it...so there is deliberate consent.

That's what I understand a mortal sin to be...

God Bless!


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