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The Bikini Question: A Rebuttal


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 I mean I think most men on here would agree men should not wear speedo's or be shirtless out and about in public. 

I guess most men on here are lame.

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I don't think its that big of a deal....If a guy can't handle seeing a girl in a bikini don't go swim in a publice place...Cause most girls are going to wear bikinis...Its just the fact....Some may be trying to get attention...Most just want to swim in one....I will give a christian girl the benefit of the doubt she wants to swim in one....Again if a guy can't handle seeing a girl in a bikini dont go to a public swimming area... Its pretty simple...And for the guys that can't handle it I'm sorry about your luck...I will handle it for you...



this is like saying any man who can't stand seeing half naked women and their thongs should not go to gas stations, department stores, grocery stores and so on since in society now so many women wear clothes that when they bend over either their things pop out of half their butt.   


Also I will contend most if not the vast majority of bikin's are not for swimming.  What happens when your wearing a bikini and dive in the pool?  A lot of time the top some how moves so the breasts are about to pop out or do pop out. If the bikini was made for swimming their would use them in swim compitions.  The design does not make them good for swimming. 

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I don't think its that big of a deal....If a guy can't handle seeing a girl in a bikini don't go swim in a publice place...Cause most girls are going to wear bikinis...Its just the fact....Some may be trying to get attention...Most just want to swim in one....I will give a christian girl the benefit of the doubt she wants to swim in one....Again if a guy can't handle seeing a girl in a bikini dont go to a public swimming area... Its pretty simple...And for the guys that can't handle it I'm sorry about your luck...I will handle it for you...



this is like saying any man who can't stand seeing half naked women and their thongs should not go to gas stations, department stores, grocery stores and so on since in society now so many women wear clothes that when they bend over either their things pop out of half their butt.   


Also I will contend most if not the vast majority of bikin's are not for swimming.  What happens when your wearing a bikini and dive in the pool?  A lot of time the top some how moves so the breasts are about to pop out or do pop out. If the bikini was made for swimming their would use them in swim compitions.  The design does not make them good for swimming. 

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When I went to Prayer & Action this week, they made an announcement that both men and women had to be modest. When we went swimming, women had to wear shirts, and so did men. And they absolutely couldn't be white. If all you had were white shirts, you were simply going to hang out around the pool. It was a blanket law that covered everyone. I couldn't help but think of how that would bring a smile to Basilisa Marie and the171. :P

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I don't think its that big of a deal....If a guy can't handle seeing a girl in a bikini don't go swim in a publice place...Cause most girls are going to wear bikinis...Its just the fact....Some may be trying to get attention...Most just want to swim in one....I will give a christian girl the benefit of the doubt she wants to swim in one....Again if a guy can't handle seeing a girl in a bikini dont go to a public swimming area... Its pretty simple...And for the guys that can't handle it I'm sorry about your luck...I will handle it for you...


Delivery Boy, I would agree about avoiding the beach because it's an occasion of sin. I disagree with you though that it doesn't matter, because I think we should help each other towards holiness. I think a number of girls maybe don't realize so I'd give them the benefit of the doubt too. But I don't like how our society made the bikini popular, and I don't think it helps anyone towards living holy lives, but makes it harder. It's a terrible thing to cause temptation for someone. The second reason I also think it matters for the girls, is because they should not be looked at in a way that compromises their dignity.. but we can protect our dignity by dressing modestly, so I don't think bikinis help guys OR girls. Simply by dressing modestly, we can protect our dignity, and help our neighbour. :)


As for 'handling' or 'not handling' it, simply putting ourselves in an occasion where we know we might be tempted, is already a sin. Even if we dont' fall into the temptation. We shouldn't *knowingly* put ourselves in such a position. That's not just my idea :)

Edited by MarysLittleFlower
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Well I'm not going to live my life in fear I might go to the beach, see a girl in a bikini, then go home and lust after her and masturbate. If that's how men on this site live then more power to you. You are a thousand times better pereson then me. Well done. And guys wearing shirts when swimming is just laughable. I bet Jesus would be against that. It may even be a mortal sin.

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Well I'm not going to live my life in fear I might go to the beach, see a girl in a bikini, then go home and lust after her and masturbate. If that's how men on this site live then more power to you. You are a thousand times better pereson then me. Well done. And guys wearing shirts when swimming is just laughable. I bet Jesus would be against that. It may even be a mortal sin.


Who says you have to masturbate and lust after a girl you saw at the beach? When I was traveling on my way home back from Prayer & Action, we went to a convenience store. I was looking around and saw a magazine with a scantily clad woman on it. I looked down and prayed for her, all the girls in the porn industry, and all of those who run it. Lusting and masturbation didn't even cross my mind. It can be done.

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I find a swim tank and swim shorts to be the best way to go... but reading this discussion make me think even they could be considered immodest... :paperbag:

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I find a swim tank and swim shorts to be the best way to go... but reading this discussion make me think even they could be considered immodest... :paperbag:


pro-tip: don't take any modesty advice from discussions on phatmass. that way leads to scrupulosity and madness. :| 

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Who says you have to masturbate and lust after a girl you saw at the beach? When I was traveling on my way home back from Prayer & Action, we went to a convenience store. I was looking around and saw a magazine with a scantily clad woman on it. I looked down and prayed for her, all the girls in the porn industry, and all of those who run it. Lusting and masturbation didn't even cross my mind. It can be done.

never said you had to...people are saying girls shouldn't wear bikinis because it may be a near occasion for sin for guys...I'm guessing the sin they are talking about is lust and masturbation...People are also saying guys should just avoid the beach cause it may be a near occasion for sin...Again the sin I thought they are talking about is lust and masturbation...All I was saying is I would never avoid the beach cause I might be tempted to lust after girls I saw there...Of course you don't have to masturbate after going to the beach...I was never implying that lil homie....
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Well I'm not going to live my life in fear I might go to the beach, see a girl in a bikini, then go home and lust after her and masturbate. If that's how men on this site live then more power to you. You are a thousand times better pereson then me. Well done. And guys wearing shirts when swimming is just laughable. I bet Jesus would be against that. It may even be a mortal sin.



do you think when people went out to get baptized by John were in bikini's?  Is modesty subjective that changes with the times or is it never changing?

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This is what bugs me about the modesty topic. It seems that modesty really only applies to "attractive" women.


I never said that, nor meant to imply that.


I said "attractive" in that sentence because of the simple (though perhaps un-pc) fact that in reality not everyone has an attractive body that would tempt people to lust.  For instance, it's unlikely that the body of a 90-year-old granny would be a source of carnal temptation for most normal men.  However, that doesn't mean she shouldn't cover up properly at the beach.


While the truth is, that for no fault of their own, some people's bodies will present more temptation than others regardless what they wear, I think standards of modesty should apply equally to all, and are not just for the "beautiful people."  I've seen plenty of folks who should keep covered up for reasons having nothing to do with tempting others to lust.  Modesty is part of basic decency, respect for one's body and for others, and setting a good example.



I'm not a "modesty fanatic" who thinks all women should wear burkas or shapeless sacks, or that wearing shorts is a mortal sin, and think that common sense should be used in this topic.  It just seems that some people (not saying you or Basilia) have a problem with the entire concept of modesty in dress - and it doesn't appear to me that such an attitude is in accord with what the Church has taught.


It seems people try to turn this into a "gender war," when modesty should not be about "punishing" women, but more of a positive concept of charity for neighbor, and helping others get to heaven.  


Neither does modesty mean that men are not responsible for their actions, or that seeing a woman in bikini will turn all men into crazed out-of-control sex fiends.  It's about cultivating respect and purity.

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wow you wrote a lot flower...could never read all that...if a girl wants to wear a bikini at the beach she should....end of thread...


.If a girl wants to go stark bare nekkid at the beach (or anywhere else) she should....end of thread...


Don't be such a prude.

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