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Pew Poll: Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans


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"truth is usually a balance of conservative and liberal priciples etc, and most people probably dont disagree in details, where the devil is. so could it be said that liberals taken to their extreme are no good? yes it could. but liberals are almost never extreme, they don't push blatant socialism. are there conservatives who push laissez faire capitalism? yes, and it's a formidable segment of society, the tea party has many members who are this way. and it's common in "academic" circles. 

i usually describe it as a phase people go through, but it's not just a phase for some people. "

there's something to be said about moderation in social issues too, i just gave examples. of course, religion taints the decisions of many people, in this regard. and to stress another reason they aren't republican.... scientists usually aren't so beholden to religious conventions. right or wrong (i view it more of a right), that is another reason for the discepancy


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No problem. I just meant the prominent pundits, magazines, think tanks, causes, political figures, et cetera. I wasn't implying a single entity, or puppet masters in the GOP establishment. Just the broad cultural phenomenon often called conservatism. I qualified it with "mainstream" partly as a vague acknowledgement of the more disparate corners of conservatism.

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i wonder how many conservatives/republicans grapple wth this. do they say that despite objective minded people disagreeing with them, that they believe anyways, despite objective sounding notions? id be most worried about following truth, and if that undermines certain aspects of your faith, so be it. faith isnt always in something that's truth. if so many objective minded people think a certain way, you're probably wrong. 

they probably pat themselves on the back, in that they are merely forgoing "the world"'s ideas etc, but at a certain point, it's more than just a sinful culture to blame for their ideas... it's something more objective. 

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