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Alcohol Is The Mother Of All Sins!


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Mormonism also forbids alcohol. Maybe you should convert to Mormonism too. You could be like a Mormon/Muslim hybrid.

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Mormonism also forbids alcohol. Maybe you should convert to Mormonism too. You could be like a Mormon/Muslim hybrid.

Doesn't quite work. Ends up being more one or the other.



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I'm kinda confused. It's like I know you're joking, but I'm just waiting for the punch line . . .

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A lost cause.

That is SUPER depressing. How do you live with yourself if you truly believe that?


Maybe you ought to meditate on that...do some soul searching. 

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That is SUPER depressing. How do you live with yourself if you truly believe that?


Maybe you ought to meditate on that...do some soul searching. 


We can't change others. They can only change by G-d or by their own choice. We can only control what we do, so we have to do the best we can in life, show kindness where it is needed, and do our best to honor G-d.  To quote Garden State: "I know it hurts. That's life. If nothing else, it's life. It's real, and sometimes it floopin' hurts, but it's sort of all we have." Life may not be what we want it to be or think it should be, but it is real, and we have an opprtunity to learn how things really are. G-d, Allah, has given us strength to face the tragedy of life, belief, worship, charity, fasting, and pilgrimage. If that is too depressing, perhaps you need to spend more time seeking Allah's will.

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We can't change others. They can only change by G-d or by their own choice. We can only control what we do, so we have to do the best we can in life, show kindness where it is needed, and do our best to honor G-d.  To quote Garden State: "I know it hurts. That's life. If nothing else, it's life. It's real, and sometimes it floopin' hurts, but it's sort of all we have." Life may not be what we want it to be or think it should be, but it is real, and we have an opprtunity to learn how things really are. G-d, Allah, has given us strength to face the tragedy of life, belief, worship, charity, fasting, and pilgrimage. If that is too depressing, perhaps you need to spend more time seeking Allah's will.


I believe she used the word 'convince.'

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I believe she used the word 'convince.'


Cinvince, to persuade to a certain action or view, and thus excert a measure of control, either directly ot indirectly. convincing is only possibly intentionally where there is willingness to be convinced.

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Cinvince, to persuade to a certain action or view, and thus excert a measure of control, either directly ot indirectly. convincing is only possibly intentionally where there is willingness to be convinced.



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I"mma pretty sure I'm going to be sick....


It's because you're "using faith instead of reason".

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I"mma pretty sure I'm going to be sick....

Parishoner at Our Lady of What Feels Good?


How do you feel about creation vs. creator? Is it not better to worship the creator?


It's because you're "using faith instead of reason".

 and vs. or


Thou art wise among these, CatholicsAreKewl.



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In keeping with my new found Islamic faith, I have decided to preach to you against the dangers of intoxication.


"Alcohol leads to many other grave sins. Continual or large scale use of alcohol has a bad effect on most people's sex-life. The high rates of incest (sexual relations with close relations like son with mother, brother with sister etc) and rape in the European countries are due to the large consumption of alcohol in those countries."



Surah 2:219

They ask you about intoxicants and games of chance. Say: In both of them there is a great sin and means of profit for men, and their sin is greater than their profit. And they ask you as to what they should spend. Say: What you can spare. Thus does Allah make clear to you the communications, that you may ponder

M Shakir's Quran Translation

Repent of your ways, infidels! 


Liquorish, rootbeer, butter scotch, even these western heathen temptations must be removed to live purely, free of temptation to give in to the devil's juice! We must ban these from every store possible. Who's with me?


Durka durka Mohammed Jihad!



I thought I must warn you, oh follower of Mohammed the Prophet, that your posts have a signature containing a quote from the accursed infidel John Paul II containing the most blasphemous infidel doctrine of the "Trinity," which is most hateful to Allah, who is One.


Allah is PISSED at this blasphemy, and demands that you remove it at once from your profile, and do amends by strapping on a bomb and sacrificing yourself in Jihad against the infidel.  Only then may his wrath at your infidelity be appeased.

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It's because you're "using faith instead of reason".




Parishoner at Our Lady of What Feels Good?


How do you feel about creation vs. creator? Is it not better to worship the creator?


Hey, even debaters (which I'm not really) feel sick when people make no effort to see it from their point of view. No blasphemy please.

That's why we have faith and reason together. :)

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