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Alcohol Is The Mother Of All Sins!


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In keeping with my new found Islamic faith, I have decided to preach to you against the dangers of intoxication.


"Alcohol leads to many other grave sins. Continual or large scale use of alcohol has a bad effect on most people's sex-life. The high rates of incest (sexual relations with close relations like son with mother, brother with sister etc) and rape in the European countries are due to the large consumption of alcohol in those countries."



Surah 2:219

They ask you about intoxicants and games of chance. Say: In both of them there is a great sin and means of profit for men, and their sin is greater than their profit. And they ask you as to what they should spend. Say: What you can spare. Thus does Allah make clear to you the communications, that you may ponder

M Shakir's Quran Translation

Repent of your ways, infidels! 


Liquorish, rootbeer, butter scotch, even these western heathen temptations must be removed to live purely, free of temptation to give in to the devil's juice! We must ban these from every store possible. Who's with me?

Edited by Light and Truth
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is this a joke? 


and what of this established poster becoming muslim? that'd be more interesting to debate, the issue of islam.

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almost no one could be serious, or at least be taken seriously, if they say stuff like...
"Repent of your ways, infidels!"

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Alcohol is not the mother of all sins. I think pride probably leads to more sins than alcohol.



But alcohol can - depending on the person and her/his ability to handle it - lead a person to commit other sins.  




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Did you really convert (again)? I'm confused.



1.) I believe the same as two months ago, rather like an Armenian Catholic* worshipping in a 99% the same Armenian Apostolic church.

*Fun facts: There are a total of 7 Armenian Catholic churches in the whole of the US. CCEC 670 would permit an Eastern Catholic to worship at an Orthodox church for a just cause. Communis Notio indicates the same faith exists in both churches.


2.) Yes. You have been blinded by your upbringings and lack of critical thinking skills (lousy American education...). Now in keeping with my love of spoken word poetry, here is an example of some good arguments for Islam. (But let me know if we can ever use cuss words, cause I got Def Poetry fav that is powerful-title is Spoons, but man that girl can talk...)




Now that is my Youtube You Decide. Don't believe in faith but fail to use reason. There is just one G-d, and He wants us to be over sober minds. Submission, obedience, more than just our feelings or intentions matter, and alcohol interferes with this-it hinders us from doing Allah's will. One does not have to go to the Sunnahs to find wisdom against drinking. Even Proverbs/Mish'ley tells us not to be drunk with wine. Even a little alcohol affects the brain. This must be stopped!

Edited by Light and Truth
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is this a joke? 


and what of this established poster becoming muslim? that'd be more interesting to debate, the issue of islam.

Is it?


Which do you follow, Dairygirl, the creation or the creator?

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Alcohol is not the mother of all sins. I think pride probably leads to more sins than alcohol.



But alcohol can - depending on the person and her/his ability to handle it - lead a person to commit other sins.  


Alcohol could accentuate the danger of pride where pride alone might not kill.

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OP won't give up vodka, hence joke.

Also I've never sinned when drinking (as far as I can recall). Hence alcohol will make me a saint if I drink enough.

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Yes. Intentionally getting yourself in a state of drunkenness is sinful. That was a long time ago for me. I have received absolution and have freed myself from that desire.


But what does that got to do with Islam?  Do you know Islam?

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But what does that got to do with Islam?  Do you know Islam?


Islam forbids alcohol.

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Alcohol is inanimate and indifferent; it does not have the ability to be good or evil inherently. 


Your time is better spent trying convincing people to be good PEOPLE instead of discontinuing their alcohol drinking.

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