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What If God Was A Gangsta?


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Name one gang that's holy. And you can't cheat. It has to be an actual street gang, not some answer like "Franciscan Friars".


Not all gangs are street gangs. Fr. Stan Fortuna is gangsta.

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The music group called Gospel Gangstas made good christian rap in the late 90's....I used to have their music...Granted one of the members did go to prison for murder but things happen and God forgives...Cause He's good like that...

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God is OG, and the prophets and apostles were his homies. Are you Allah's homie?

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Name one gang that's holy. And you can't cheat. It has to be an actual street gang, not some answer like "Franciscan Friars".

Well, there are the Sugar Creek Gang books. I think they sorta count, although I found them annoying and they were Protestant kids books. (Not saying that either all Protestant books or all kids books are bad, but they're not all great. Also, they were all boys and I might not have appreciated that. I don't really remember my reasons, I just couldn't stand them as a kid.) The use of the word gang there is because of a change in the meaning of the word over the decades, though, I think.

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Seeing as how "gangstas" do and sell illegal drugs, use prostitutes, sell prostitutes, kill, steal, and maim, I don't think God is in their ranks.


There are those so far from God that they will not be saved. They have blasphemed the holy spirit. Then there are those so lost they simply need God.

Nicky Cruz was a Christian evangelist,, founder of the Nicky Cruz Outreach, an evangelistic Christian ministry. He was also once the director fo Teen Challenge, serving under David Wilkerson before founding another ministry home himself in California. Prior to his conversion he ws the leader of a New York City gang, the Mau-Maus.  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicky_Cruz)


1 Cor. 12:3 Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man, speaking by the Spirit of God, saith Anathema to Jesus. And no man can say the Lord Jesus, but by the Holy Ghost.


The entire point of being in a gang is committing crime with a group of people.


No, it is often about community, a family if you don't have one, protection in a harsh world. Don't you know anything about the streets or is it that nice in your little town? People don't often set out to do crime, they are thrown into a world of hurt or be hurt (accentuated through the varied responses to safety and economics if say inner city vs. nice little suburbia) and seek protection from it. (Why would someone in prision join a prison gang if he had little chance to commit a crime there?) The exceptions are usually spoiled rich kids who don't know what the real world holds or think that it gets them the excitement they desire instead of something that really matters or that they will get the attention they desire and eventually power among their peers, or they bought into some commercialized aspect of cool.  That is why gang intervention programs can work. http://www.lapdonline.org/top_ten_most_wanted_gang_members/content_basic_view/23473


Name one gang that's holy. And you can't cheat. It has to be an actual street gang, not some answer like "Franciscan Friars".


Here is where your holy gang is.





The movie showed a haroin addicted friend of Sam Childer's who helped look after his wife and kid. This was actually a conglomerate of 5 people. Sam Childers became a preacher, and took a gun to Africa to protect orphans.

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A really wonderful and difficult (emotionally) book about gangs and evangelism to them is The Cross and the Switchblade. I haven't read it since high school, so I'm not sure how it is from a Catholic perspective, but I really liked it when I read it.

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Spem in alium









I don't know. But I know I'm thinking of this song:



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There are those so far from God that they will not be saved. They have blasphemed the holy spirit. Then there are those so lost they simply need God.

Nicky Cruz was a Christian evangelist,, founder of the Nicky Cruz Outreach, an evangelistic Christian ministry. He was also once the director fo Teen Challenge, serving under David Wilkerson before founding another ministry home himself in California. Prior to his conversion he ws the leader of a New York City gang, the Mau-Maus.  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicky_Cruz)


1 Cor. 12:3 Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man, speaking by the Spirit of God, saith Anathema to Jesus. And no man can say the Lord Jesus, but by the Holy Ghost.



No, it is often about community, a family if you don't have one, protection in a harsh world. Don't you know anything about the streets or is it that nice in your little town? People don't often set out to do crime, they are thrown into a world of hurt or be hurt (accentuated through the varied responses to safety and economics if say inner city vs. nice little suburbia) and seek protection from it. (Why would someone in prision join a prison gang if he had little chance to commit a crime there?) The exceptions are usually spoiled rich kids who don't know what the real world holds or think that it gets them the excitement they desire instead of something that really matters or that they will get the attention they desire and eventually power among their peers, or they bought into some commercialized aspect of cool.  That is why gang intervention programs can work. http://www.lapdonline.org/top_ten_most_wanted_gang_members/content_basic_view/23473



Here is where your holy gang is.





The movie showed a haroin addicted friend of Sam Childer's who helped look after his wife and kid. This was actually a conglomerate of 5 people. Sam Childers became a preacher, and took a gun to Africa to protect orphans.


I know why (Many) people get in gangs. I'm aware of the psychology of it. But I don't care why people get in gangs, they kill and steal. Is my town nice? Yes. There are no gangs here. But I've been all over this country, and I'm aware of gangs, what they are, what they do, and why they are there.

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Nihil Obstat

There are no places without gangs. They are just good at keeping quiet if they need to.

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There are no places without gangs. They are just good at keeping quiet if they need to.


I live in a town of eight hundred people. Everyone knows everyone else's business. If there was a gang, I'd know about it and who was in it and for how long.

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I know why (Many) people get in gangs. I'm aware of the psychology of it. But I don't care why people get in gangs, they kill and steal. Is my town nice? Yes. There are no gangs here. But I've been all over this country, and I'm aware of gangs, what they are, what they do, and why they are there.


When someone talks about the point of something, they usually mean the why, not just the what they end up doing. I care about people getting their facts straight. If you never care about the why they do things, it's harder to change that they do things. I care about why because I don't want others to do the same in gangs-already seen that too many times growing up.

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Nihil Obstat

I live in a town of eight hundred people. Everyone knows everyone else's business. If there was a gang, I'd know about it and who was in it and for how long.

I guarantee that your town is not 100% free of organized crime. If there are drugs, there are gangs, and there are drugs everywhere.

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I live in a town of eight hundred people. Everyone knows everyone else's business. If there was a gang, I'd know about it and who was in it and for how long.


My friend is from a similar sized town. His dad had no idea that some of the people he'd see on a daily basis were part of the KKK until they invited him to join (he rejected, of course).

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It's interesting how this thread is cearly making a subtle reference to the work by Egypt's great Nobel Laureate,  Naguib Mahfouz, which repeatedly refers to Gebelawi (God alagorized in the novel) as the 'greatest of gangsters.'





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