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Would You Rebel If God Cast You To Hell?



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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

By this your meaning the temporal hell/ghenna and not the eternal place of the damned, because the eternal place of the damned is in escapeble pain and there's no chance of rebellion. But the temporal ghenna that Jesus talks of which is also demonstrated in the book of Daniel. What is this place and how do i get there? Well the truth is the tounge is a double edged sword and can be used to curse or bless, other people can cast others into ghenna and also we can cast ourselves there with our words. Unsure if God casts us there for sin temporarily to bring us to repent to avoid eternal condemnation. My experience with the temporal ghenna is that the more you rebel against this state the tighter the grip gets, the only way out is Jesus. Though when Daniel was cast into the fires of ghenna the angels came and pulled him out. By the way this is all just an opinion and may be far from the truth. I think many rebel when someone casts them into ghenna or stumble in there with there own words and or actions. Anyhow that's about all i have, maybe there is some truth in what i say, maybe there is none, think about it i guess and talk about it with someone else from phatmass that is far more apt then myself, and perhaps if you dare pray to jesus and ask him to show you. :)

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

By this your meaning the temporal hell/ghenna and not the eternal place of the damned, because the eternal place of the damned is in escapeble pain and there's no chance of rebellion. But the temporal ghenna that Jesus talks of which is also demonstrated in the book of Daniel. What is this place and how do i get there? Well the truth is the tounge is a double edged sword and can be used to curse or bless, other people can cast others into ghenna and also we can cast ourselves there with our words. Unsure if God casts us there for sin temporarily to bring us to repent to avoid eternal condemnation. My experience with the temporal ghenna is that the more you rebel against this state the tighter the grip gets, the only way out is Jesus. Daniel was cast into the fires of ghenna by an evil king and the angels came and pulled him out. By the way this is all just an opinion and may be far from the truth. I think many rebel when someone casts them into ghenna or stumble in there with there own words and or actions. Anyhow that's about all i have, maybe there is some truth in what i say, maybe there is none, think about it i guess and talk about it with someone else from phatmass that is far more apt then myself, and perhaps if you dare pray to jesus and ask him to show you. :)

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The damned in hell are already in a state of rebellion against God, though, like Satan, they are powerless against God.  It's not like Satan or any of the damned can actually overthrow God or anything.


Yet another asinine dairy poll.

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actually it's very reasonable to ask if someone would change their tune towards God, join or support a revolution etc. they are permanently barred from heaven so it's not like they might be able to get in if they behave. 

the constant going beyond reason to make my posts look bad is what's inane, 

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The damned are always cursing God, and there is a hierarchy in hell with Satan as it's leader. So that should answer the question, those who are damned curse God and rebel from Him, and they must follow the orders of their commander.

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Adoro te devote

When Saint Thérèse was young and had not yet entered Carmel she once had a thought of how sad it is that God is not adored, praised and loved in hell as He is in every other place.  If God, in His Justice, condemned me to hell, I would spend my hell fulfilling her desire of adoring, praising and loving Him from hell.  I could find some measure of comfort there as I would stand as a testament to God's Justice against which I have sinned so grievously.  Even there I could contribute to His greater glory.

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Wasn't ST. Paul willing to go to hell if it would save a bunch of people?

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When Saint Thérèse was young and had not yet entered Carmel she once had a thought of how sad it is that God is not adored, praised and loved in hell as He is in every other place.  If God, in His Justice, condemned me to hell, I would spend my hell fulfilling her desire of adoring, praising and loving Him from hell.  I could find some measure of comfort there as I would stand as a testament to God's Justice against which I have sinned so grievously.  Even there I could contribute to His greater glory.


that was a beautiful reply. 

thank you for that. 

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First of all, I fully expect to go to hell when I die. I'll pack my bags and start heading south - if I'm lucky, I'll get a call something like, "Back this way."


But even if I don't get a call back, there'd be no point in rebelling. If I'm in hell, it's because I deserve to be there. I mean I guess hell can't get worse - what's God gonna do, put me in hell + isolation for participating in a rebellion? But there'd be no chance of the rebellion succeeding, so why bother?

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Wasn't ST. Paul willing to go to hell if it would save a bunch of people?


A. Yes -

Romans Ch9 "[1] I speak the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost: That I have great sadness, and continual sorrow in my heart.  For I wished myself to be an anathema from Christ, for my brethren, who are my kinsmen according to the flesh,"



Those who find themselves in hell have earned the sentence, to my mind, through hatred of God and continue to hate in hell and would eagerly join a rebellion against God should one be offered.  Ideally, I would love to think that I could bring Glory to God even in hell through my own decision and actions - in my human experience of my reality, however (and always less than ideal), knowing that what I despise I reject, I doubt totally and would hope that I would never have any desire whatsoever even in the slightest to bring any sort of glory to anything that I despise.  And should I find myself in that terrible 'fiery furnace', my disposition would HAVE  to be one of rejection, hatred and despising of God.  Otherwise, I simply would not be there in the first place.  The Church also teaches that those condemned to hell have no opportunity whatsoever to repent etc.  Jesus spoke about this absolute finality of life after death and personal judgement also in one of His parables.


Our very best opportunity and only opportunity to totally upset satan (other than at Final Judgement in it's misery and realization that it has fought a totally lost cause and war in many loosing battles)and bring Glory to God is through absolute and total rejection of the beast and all it's works and strivings here on earth in our own journeys - how do we go about this here on earth? By absolute rejection of certainly mortal sin as outline in the CCC - and mortal sin per se is not grave matter alone.  We can bring great Glory to God by an ardent desire and striving to avoid all sin including venial and striving for holiness all the way.  This makes that beast :brutebeast:  jump all over the place in absolute fury and hatred and a temper tantrum of terrible and unequalled proportions . :mad5:



 Beware! Jesus has told us that that thing wanders the earth seeking whom it can destroy.  Probably I think after sustained efforts of all kinds and degrees to turn a follower of Christ completely away from Jesus and frustrated at every turn, it realizes it's absolute impotence and 'goes shopping elsewhere'.   We hope - for that thing is of great intelligence (and yet essentially quite lacking in the intelligence department) and watches our every move looking for signs of weakness or weaknesses that it might exploit to it's own terrible ends.  But then as in the Book of Job and the CCC, we know that satan cannot act in anyway whatsoever, to any degree great or small, whatsoever, unless God first Permits it.  We believe this with absolute confidence, responding accordingly.


What a God have we!

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It has occurred to me reflecting on this thread, that if I found myself in hell by sheer accident and were I the person there in hell that I hope I am now, I like to think that I would continue to love God and neighbour, though so unjustly visited inadvertently, and through those dispositions in hell give glory to God out of the fires of the damned.  However, I tend to think that satan having discovered my disposition and desires would expel me from hell pronto quick as a totally undesirable and rebellious citizen of that thing's domain!  :flex2:  The Lord, hearing His praises rise out of hell with a desire to give glory to God would, at my expulsion, whisk me immediately to Heaven - maybe a quick dip or seven in Purgatory first......?...........?....?. :covereyes:...............maybe 10 or 15 dips!   In fact, hearing His praises rise out of hell, Jesus would send an angel to advise satan quite covertly that that thing was being praised from that beast's domain along with the identity of the inadvertent citizen, thus leading eventually to my expulsion at satan's absolute rejection and horror, thorough disgust and repugnance, at the revolting and appalling situation of praise and glory to God rise out of it's eternal and fixed-for-eternity miserable abode  :think:







Edited by BarbaraTherese
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Wow.  I've been away from phatmass for a few years and Dairygirl is still making the same polls....


It's almost kind of comforting, though, like returning to your childhood hometown and finding out all the buildings look the same.  Somethings never change!

Edited by photosynthesis
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I won't know until I get there.



But, I will try to not be able to answer this question. 

Edited by Papist
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First of all, I fully expect to go to hell when I die. I'll pack my bags and start heading south - if I'm lucky, I'll get a call something like, "Back this way."




If you're serious, then it's really sad that you think this way.

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