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Denominational Truths?


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my advice, unless its just for the music, avoid protestant radio and tv channels. 


I don't as a general rule listen to alot of it anymore.  I just happened to have the radio on this station when I got in the car from the night before.  Though I have to say that every time I hear one of these anti-catholic ranters they something so totally ridiculous such as this that it only confirms my faith and proves that the divided theology of protestantism can't be the Church that Christ built.  

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Thanks for this post. It's one thing to be irritated by anti-Catholic sentiments, another to be disparaging towards Protestants/Protestantism as a whole...if we don't like Protestants making jabs at us, how is it not hypocritical when we're "cool" with making jabs at them? And no, I'm not talking about a sincere and genuine discussion of theological disagreements, I'm talking about attitude.


Who is being disparaging?

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Who is being disparaging?


There's a tone in this thread. See the last sentence of my post. But it's also a general comment. 

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A better way of phrasing what the talk show guy intended to say is "Evangelical truth needs to be defended." In spite of all the divisions, there are core beliefs and truths that bind all Evangelicals. There's been a growing call among them for returning to the roots of the Reformation and the "solas," as Protestantism since the 1960s has become theologically lazy (a drought which has affected both sides of the Tiber). I'm sure the guy can be forgiven for misspeaking while on the radio... that happens a lot. Still, it sounds like this radio station represents the low hanging fruit of Protestantism. Entertaining as a theological train wreck, but not to be taken into a debate.

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I don't much care if evangelicals make fun of me. I still want them to convert and am collecting anti-sola scriptura comics for my own amusement.



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R. C. Sproul is a wonderful teacher. And Alistair Begg is an a.wesome preacher.


Just sayin'.

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I don't care for their music either; get enough of it at mass.




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R. C. Sproul is a wonderful teacher. And Alistair Begg is an a.wesome preacher.


Just sayin'.


Alistair Begg even says one can commit adultery and murder and he is still saved.  These guys are full of errors and they distort the Catholic faith badly.  I've listened to them plenty.  Yes they are wonderful teachers of protestantism.  Certainly they are that.  But terrible teachers of the fullness of the truth which is Catholicism.  Would you take a drink out of a just flushed toilet?  Hey the water is pretty clean.

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Alistair Begg even says one can commit adultery and murder and he is still saved.  These guys are full of errors and they distort the Catholic faith badly.  I've listened to them plenty.  Yes they are wonderful teachers of protestantism.  Certainly they are that.  But terrible teachers of the fullness of the truth which is Catholicism.  Would you take a drink out of a just flushed toilet?  Hey the water is pretty clean.


Catholicism says you can commit adultery and murder and still be saved. If you repent and confess.



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Indeed, all Christians are capable of abusing the grace of God.


Many Protestant preachers do a very good job teaching on discipleship. Most Catholic preachers are more focused on theology, and I think some people are more in need of encouragement in the day-to-day living of faith than reasons for believing in the Eucharist.


Of course, one of the beautiful things about Catholicism is taking the "both/and" road. Our brain needs reasons for believing the Eucharist is Christ, and our heart needs a little encouragement along the way.

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Nihil Obstat

Indeed, all Christians are capable of abusing the grace of God.


Many Protestant preachers do a very good job teaching on discipleship. Most Catholic preachers are more focused on theology, and I think some people are more in need of encouragement in the day-to-day living of faith than reasons for believing in the Eucharist.


Of course, one of the beautiful things about Catholicism is taking the "both/and" road. Our brain needs reasons for believing the Eucharist is Christ, and our heart needs a little encouragement along the way.

Quite frankly, I wish more Catholic priests were more focussed on theology. The average layperson has very little theological knowledge these days. He is left adrift in a world full of error.

How is he to understand why Catholicism is true and Protestantism is heresy, if he does not even know the theology of his own Church?


He has a responsibility to educate himself, but pastors and bishops have an extremely grave responsibility to teach. The priest's burden is heavier than I can imagine.

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Indeed, all Christians are capable of abusing the grace of God.


Many Protestant preachers do a very good job teaching on discipleship. Most Catholic preachers are more focused on theology, and I think some people are more in need of encouragement in the day-to-day living of faith than reasons for believing in the Eucharist.


Of course, one of the beautiful things about Catholicism is taking the "both/and" road. Our brain needs reasons for believing the Eucharist is Christ, and our heart needs a little encouragement along the way.

Yesterday Fr. Charlie's homily was all about encouragement and encouraging others on our roads to eternal life. :) It was great, especially because the Lord had just half and hour earlier worked through a person to give me extraordinary encouragement in my vocation. 

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Catholicism says you can commit adultery and murder and still be saved. If you repent and confess.




The difference is he says you still are.  No mortal sin. No fall from grace. No new need for repentance because he says once saved always saved.  I heard him use the example of adultery.   He doesn't even go the route many protestants do "well if you were a real Christian you wouldn't do those things".  

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I don't quite get the objection. "Denominational Truths" are true statements held by a denomination of Christians. He happens to feel that whatever particular denomination he believes in is true and states very many truths about Christianity that ought to be defended. And we Catholics agree, in part; for we also hold that, even if a particular truth divides one person from another (those who believe the truth will always be "denominated" or distinguished from those hold an error), truth must be everywhere defended. And if the Baptists do in fact hold to certain truths as a consequence of their denomination, and those truths are in fact truths, then we would agree that those Baptists ought to defend such truths against Christian denominations who say otherwise. I think you are getting hung up over words without really understanding the meaning of those words or the intentions of the speaker. 

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