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Who Here Loves F.j. Sheed


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The title pretty much speaks for itself...
Does anybody have any info on this man and his wife Maisy Ward?.
Do you currently have any of his books?
Which ones? Which ones are your favorite?
Do you think he is too conservative or orthodox?
Trying to start a debate here about him, cause I really like his work. Just wondering if anybody else feels the same way or not.

Tag....you're it.


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Maybe I should ask it differently.

Has anyone hear heard of Frank J. Sheed and his work?

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I think you can hear about him at ewtn.com, just go to the Library :)

I've heard that he was super popular. His show ratings showed that he was viewed mostly by 1. Jewish people 2. Protestants 3. Catholics, I always found it interesting that Catholics had the fewest viewers. But anyway, it just goes to show that he crossed alot of divides :)

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wow! and you're a militant !!

Theology for Beginners. F.J. Sheed

It covers (in a 'nutshell') Catholicism.
Simple yet powerful.
Found out Likos loves his work too.

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quietfire..............i have a section devoted to him in the "practical apologetics" entry of the reference section. it includes two bios and 9 of his works, which you can read online.

u'll love it! ;)

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Just so you don't feel alone...

Frank Sheed was one of the greatest Catholic apologists of the 20th century.

I've read a couple of things by him (I'm currently in A Map of Life).

He reportedly moved from Australia to England so that he could speak at Hyde Park. There is a podium in the park and, at least at the time, anyone could speak as long as they could keep an audience. Frank Sheed would hold audiences for more than four hours talking about the Catholic Church.

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thanks Polar

I just ordered some more of his books. One was very hard to find and I was lucky enough to get it in hardcover. I cant remember it now though, cause I ordered like three in a row. I plan on getting as many of his books as possible.
I am also trying to find a book by his wife, Maisie Ward titled 'They Saw His Glory'. I had it on a wishlist, but someone else got to it first. Oh, well, dont worry. I will find it.

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quietfire...........did u see this?:

[i][u]Frank Sheed[/u][/i]
--[url="http://www.crisismagazine.com/march2002/feature3.htm"]Frank Sheed: The Prophet of Hyde Park[/url]
--[url="http://www.catholicexchange.com/vm/index.asp?vm_id=6&art_id=7060"]Frank J. Sheed[/url]
--[url="http://www.catholicculture.org/docs/doc_view.cfm?recnum=1001"][i]Marriage and the Law of God[/i][/url]
--[url="http://www.catholicculture.org/docs/doc_view.cfm?recnum=1002"][i]Marriage Existential[/i][/url]
--[url="http://www.catholicculture.org/docs/doc_view.cfm?recnum=1000"][i]The Nature of Sex and Marriage[/i][/url]
--[url="http://ewtn.com/library/ANSWERS/SHEEDEUC.HTM"][i]The Mass and the Eucharist[/i][/url]
--[url="http://ewtn.com/library/HOMESCHL/CHRCLS.HTM"][i]Christ in the Classroom[/i][/url]
--[url="http://ewtn.com/library/HOMESCHL/TCHREL.HTM"][i]Are We Really Teaching Religion?[/i][/url]
--[url="http://ewtn.com/library/MARRIAGE/MARRIAGE.TXT"][i]Marriage and the Family[/i][/url]
--[url="http://ewtn.com/library/MARRIAGE/NULITY.TXT"][i]Nullity of Marriage[/i][/url]
--[url="http://ewtn.com/library/SPIRIT/MAPLIF.TXT"][i]A Map of Life[/i][/url]

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I just read Theology for Beginners. Wow.

You have a better chance of finding stuff like this at the flea market than the book store.

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Isnt it great the way he pretty much spells it all out so simply. I mean, I cant believe that some alopogist make it sound so tough to get, but Sheed just makes sense.

I kept saying "wow", "wow", as I was reading. I wish I had met the man, although I heard he could be rather cantankerous when he wanted to be. *Yeah, like none of us are like that. he,he.

I just ordered a few more of his books.
You have to search but they're out there.
I ordered..
theology and sanity
the instructed heart
to know Jesus Christ

and I have searches out for other of his work.
This guy is so awesome. I figure I will probably wear this copy out, I was so into reading that I didnt do the cross referencing that he asked. So now I want to go and read it again and follow his instructions.
I'm just happy that I came across it. You really see things differently after reading him.


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