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Conservatives Hate Conservation: Studies Prove They’ll Reject Produc


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Nihil Obstat

I just poured ten gallons of Quaker State on a spotted owl.

Amateur. Should have used lye.

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I'm a conservative because I can do math. I can also do science, however, so I'm for healthy things for our bodies and for the planet.

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I just poured ten gallons of Quaker State on a spotted owl.


i agree with winchester, as anything else would be illogical

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I must say this does sound absolutely ridiculous, almost trollish. Granted a lot of "green" stuff is gimmicky but it just comes off as being stubborn. Like "if I have a choice between a product that does less damage to the environment, I'm going for the tree killing product, just to piss the hippies off sneer hehehe"

And yes there ARE dangers to these lightbulbs that people should be made aware of, but consumers (including myself) remain ignorant of the thousands of toxins and carcinogens that are being mass produced and pumped out of the bowels of Chinese sweatshops and American factories. Did you know hippies don't use shampoo? After a quick google search, I know why. It's pretty much like rubbing cancer on your head. But you think procter and gamble gaf? They certainly do not and will laugh at my dying ass all the way to the bank. Seems silly to get upset over a little mercury in your house that can be contained and clean up and not really care about the bazillion gallons of mercury being dumped into the environment.

And also shame on you for posting in a dairy thread that was well on it's way to sinking into utter obscurity and thereby compelling me to do the same! ;)

Let me cleaify, I'm all for less pollution and what not, what I don't like is the green ideology. It's this idea that the world will end if man does not take care of the earth. Yes we should be clean and not pollute, but there is this new idea that says man is punished by Mother Earth for not cleansing her. As Catholics we believe that God is master of the earth and man will not be wipped off for too many emissions. If earth is destroying man, and I mean an end of the world type disasters, it is because of mans sins, not co2 emissions. The only way to fix this problem is to fix societys morlas not go green.
I also see people who are sexually sinfull, but feel they are morally good bcause they care about the earth. The green movement has become a religion. It is seen as a sin by many to not recycle or give off emissions. Clearly putting chemicals in the water supply will harm us, but to say the world will end because of emissions, says the world is in mans hands and not Gods. I don't see how we as Catholics can believe this.
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Jim, the last time I checked, sin doesnt contibute to melting ice caps



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It's this idea that the world will end if man does not take care of the earth.



It's not a 'green ideology.'  It's a scientific fact that man has the capacity to damage his ecosystem in a way that makes that ecosystem no longer able to support human human life at a mass level.  It's nothing mystical.  If today every nuclear weapon weapon in the world was launched then our ecosystem would very quickly become uninhabitable.  Climate change will probably never cause humanity to go extinct.  But it can dramatically alter our ecosystem in ways that harshly impact the lives of millions upon millions or people and makes the world a less hospitable place for all of us.


This is no different than recognizing that this can, and does, happen on a local level.  Large sections of central Asia are uninhabitable due to decades of nuclear testing by the USSR.  



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the republican party is leaving the reagan days, going in the wrong direction...

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